Friday, September 25, 2009

Something's up...

…but I’m not gonna tell you yet .

Right now, I just want to wink at the world.  And wear dresses.  I’ve been wearing dresses and skirts lots lately.  It makes me feel like a girl.  And it gives me a reason to show off my man-calves.

Oh wait–the “something” isn’t a boy.  Not that boys aren’t splendid.  The one that fixes things that break in the office is one of the most sublimely beautiful creatures I’ve ever seen.

Speaking of the office, it really can be a fun place.  I’m WAY more competent now, and that makes me feel better about talking to customers.  Customers can also be fun.  I enjoy laughing with them.  Today, one made a Megan Fox joke even.  One said the nicest thing to me in an email yesterday (because that’s pretty typical for an “inconsistent” worker with a bad attitude, but don’t get me started–this is a happy post).  And my coworkers are so fun and supportive.  The bad parts are so small–they’re just way too prevalent when they do rear their ugly heads.  I’ve let Debbie Downer (I don’t literally know anyone named that, but let’s just use her as a collective embodiment of the sucky parts of the job) bring out the worst in me over the past few weeks.  She’s dead to me.  I’ll just have to find a way to ignore her.  Sometimes it’s easier to do so than others.

In the meantime, I’m gonna continue to revel in the awesomeness that lies just across the room.  And sing the theme song to Jem and the Holograms with my slightly-younger, 1/3-my-size dark-skinned work-sister when need be.  And high five it when The Reprimander and I finally find points of commonality (such as a love of Bon Jovi in our–and their–earlier years).  There’s just simply too much good there to let others’ control issues infringe upon the good job I know I can do–and am doing.  I have (mostly) awesome customers and (mostly) awesome co-workers whose opinion matters a whole lot more.

Fie upon the rest.  And I do mean FIE.

Love it or hate it, this is what I’m doing for a few months.  [I also reserve the right to rant when I hit a "hate it" phase again.  Moody heifer, remember?]  But, I’ve got one in the chamber for some upcoming groovy.  I’m going to tell you about it once I get things finalized.

Ooh, gotta look for a Feel-Good Friday before bed.

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