Saturday, October 31, 2009

Video Game: A Systematic Problem

Recently, one of my best friends signed on his MSN: online video game players are psychosis! Actually, his irritation came from his two roommates. 

His two young roommates are a couple, other than going to school, the only thing in their lives is playing online video games. In spite of large quantity of internet flow is used for this, they cultivated a reversed rest and work time. My friend doesn’t know when they usually go to bed, but he does know their breakfast is our dinner.

Frankly, those ill-controlled kids are not a few, they living everywhere around us. You may have no idea about this, just because they pretend normal.

This is how Wikipedia describes video game addicts:

Instances have been reported in which users play compulsively, isolating themselves from, or from other forms of, social contact and focusing almost entirely on in-game achievements rather than broader life events.

Online gaming is an emotionally draining and time-consuming activity. To create more time for the computer, gaming addicts neglect sleep, diet, exercise, hobbies, and socializing(Young, 2004). They let their own health go as they do not get the proper rest and nutrition they need. They may suffer a number of health problems from back strain, eye strain, carpel tunnel syndrome, and repetitive stress injury.

As one gaming addict explained, “I stopped bathing. I didn’t eat unless it was a quick snack I could eat in front of my computer. I lost weight. My skin was pasty and pale. I didn’t shave or comb my hair. I did nothing. I looked so bad that my mother told me I looked more like a heroin addict.”

This seems extremely like my friend’s roommates! I have met them once or twice before, and I remember that when I say hello to the little girl, she was so numbed, just standing still and gazing at me without any response. But actually we already knew each other, and I knew she curled her hair by $250. Unfortunately, those beautiful curls had been unwashed for at least 10 days. Moreover, from the pimple white face, she didn’t go out for a long time. This reminds me of the animation South Park, it has an episode specialized for World Of Warcraft game.

Video game industry has long been an easy target for the media to blame, and also been studied for links to addiction and aggression. Furthermore, numerous researchers have proposed potential positive effects of video games on aspects of social and cognitive development and psychological well-being. However, even large attention has given, the problem still exist.

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