Tuesday, November 3, 2009

well if it's not true, why didn't he just say no?

after the interview that notoriously pissed Michael Jackson off, most everyone knows by now that Martin Bashir of ABC’s Nightline gets in that ass. He takes absolutely no prisoners, from media-sullied pop stars to sensitive Scientologists. So when Bashir asked Scientology representative Tommy Davis to confirm whether or not members of the religion really do believe that life began when an alien emperor dropped a bunch of people in volcanoes 75 million years ago, he didn’t really have to get as pissy and defensive as he did. So pissy, in fact, that he unhooked his microphone, dropped it on the ground, and stormed out… instead of simply clarifying rumors or just saying “no.”

being one who simply doesn’t mess with what i don’t know, i may not be a proponent of Scientology, but i also don’t see the point in pointing fingers and calling its followers nuts for for believing in something i can’t quite comprehend. However, wouldn’t Bashir’s query somewhat equate to one simply asking a Christian if he/she believed that humans started with Adam and Eve? What’s the big deal with that? Maybe representatives of other religions just have better things to do than throw hissy fits on national television.

So nut up, Tommy Davis – ABC was just trying to make your people seem a little less nuttier than Tom Cruise made you all out to be. Now you just look like a brat who’s just let Martin Bashir successfully make you and your people look like the crazies so many people take you for.

Tantrum starts at 3:40.

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