Saturday, October 31, 2009

El Papa: Con personas honestas la sociedad progresa.


La tarea de los estados es la promoción del bien común y el progreso humano y social de las personas que los forman.

Lo ha afirmado el Papa Benedicto XVI en el discurso a la señora Delia Cárdenas Christie, nueva embajadora de Panamá ante la Santa Sede.

Benedicto XVI ha pronunciado palabras positivas sobre el rol que Panamá desenvuelve para la estabilidad del área centroamericana, subrayando que el desarrollo económico y tecnológico va unido al progreso ético y espiritual. Una sociedad, de hecho, progresa cuando está compuesta de personas que actúan basándose en una rectitud interior, conducta cristalina y voluntad decidida para luchar a favor del bien común.

Las personas, ha agregado el Papa, tienen como objetivo también el enseñar a las jóvenes generaciones los valores de un verdadero humanismo que persigue el desarrollo integral de las poblaciones.

Exposición sobre los mártires católicos de la reforma protestante.


Esta es una historia de misiones secretas, espías y espiritualidad que se entremezclan en la muestra Una peregrinación: Una misión.

Una exposición que se adentra en la historia del Seminario inglés de Roma, construído sobre esta cripta del año 1330.

P. Andrew Headon
Director de la exposición
Quería unir la historia de la Iglesia a la historia de la cripta para hablar del seminario y del colegio.

Al inicio, este lugar era un horfanato pero en 1579 se convirtió en seminario.

La exposición muestra el viaje secreto desde Roma a Inglaterra de unos sacerdotes jesuítas durante la reforma protestante del siglo XVI.

La reforma protestante comenzó cuando el rey Enrique VIII abandonó la Iglesia católica y fundó la Iglesia de Inglaterra. Durante esos años se destruyeron iglesias y conventos, y hasta se declaró ilegal ser sacerdote católico.

Entonces se fundaron seminarios católicos en el extranjero como el llamado Venerable Colegio Inglés de Roma, que continuó formando sacerdotes ingleses. Eran misioneros que volverían a Inglaterra para defender su fe, aunque fuera a costa de sus vidas.

Esta exposición muestra la historia de muchos de los sacerdotes que fueron apresados, torturados y martirizados.

El sacerdote Andrew Headon asegura que incluso este seminario fue escenario de ataques y persecuciones.

P. Andrew Headon
Director de la exposición
En aquellos tiempos no había facebook, no sabían qué aspecto tenían los seminaristas católicos. Por eso enviaron espías a los seminarios y a las comunidades para poder reconocerlos cuando regresaran a Inglaterra

La muestra también incluye la reproducción de una celda de la cárcel en la que muchos de los sacerdotes y seminaristas fueron encarcelados.
Además, los visitantes también pueden hacerse una idea de cómo los sacerdotes tenían que esconderse.

P. Andrew Headon
Director de la exposición
Es difícil ponerse en su piel y saber qué pensaban. La mayoría de ellos estaban dispuestos a dar su vida por su fe en ese momento.

La exposición coincide con la reapertura de la capilla del Venerable Colegio Inglés, construída en el año 1888.

Durante los últimos dos años, cada pieza de los mosaicos y de los cuadros ha sido cuidadosamente restaurada.

Durante los años de persecución, los estudiantes del colegio cantaban el Te Deum cada vez que sabían que uno de sus antiguos compañeros había sido martirizado.

Lo hicieron 44 veces, ya que 44 estudiantes del colegio inglés fueron martirizados a lo largo de 100 años.

P. Andrew Headon
Director de la exposición
Es una exposición increíble, porque no sólo explica la historia, sino también reta al espectador, es una peregrinación, una misión en sí misma.

Una misión que estará abierta al público hasta julio del año 2010.

Asi es la Master Edition que No llegará a Europa

Esta es la Edición Coleccionista que NO llegara a Europa, compuesta por una caja metalica, Figuara de Ezio, Libro de Arte, dos misiones exclusivas y la copia del juego.

Pero no penseis mal, a nosotros no nos llega esta edición, si no que la White Edition y Black Edition que se comercializara en Europa a partir del 19 de Noviembre contiene un poco de cada de la Edición Americana, a continuación os dejo los detalles de las dos Ediciónes que veremos (o no) en l¡nuestras tiendas.

Pincha aqui para verla en grande.

- Figura exclusiva “Maestro Assassin” en su nivel más alto de evolución.

* Esta figura de coleccionista ha sido producida en cantidades muy limitadas y tiene un diseño excelente en el que Ezio viste la capa de maestro Assassin. Esta capa sólo se conseguirá en las fases más avanzadas de la aventura.

- 3 nuevas misiones: sumérgete y redescubre el Renacimiento en todo su esplendor y resuelve los misterios para conseguir los objetos ocultos entre sus muros.

* Palacio de los Médicis en Florencia
* Santa María Dei Frari en Venecia
* El arsenal del puerto de Venecia.
- El libro de las Conspiraciones: Esta pieza de arte única agrupa todas las claves del desarrollo de la dirección artística, la historia y el trasfondo de la época, revelando la cara oculta de la conspiración de Assassin´s Creed II. El libro de 64 hojas recrea con sus finas tapas de cuero artesanal y sus hojas de pergamino los libros de la época.

- La banda sonora de Jesper Kyd (Nominado por la Academia Británica de las artes del cine y la televisión en 2009 como la mejor música en un videojuego.)

* Todos los videos, entrevistas detrás de las cámaras y e-goodies sobre Assassin´s Creed II.
* Una caja negra de coleccionista con una firma holográfica que certifica su autenticidad.


- Copia del juego con Caratula Normal
- Figura de Ezio vestido con el Traje normal Blanco de los Asesinos
- 1 Misión exclusiva

* Santa María Dei Frari en Venecia

-Caja Blanca con Holograma

La Black Edition la comercializa la cadena de tiendas de Videojuegos GAME, pero como era una edición limitada a muy pocas unidades, ya no se puede reservar, pero si quieres una Edición mas modesta, todavia puedes reservar la White Edition en cualquier sitio especializado.

Wolverhampton Gig Post! - 30/10/09

Not much media for this night

Only found 1 video!

Don’t forget to check out the photo area on LB’s official website, I’d happily post the pictures here (with due credit) but it’d be simply too timeconsuming to open each photo individually and save it to my harddrive and then to upload it again to wordpress in Gallery format, but maybe someday, who knows?


George Galloway on “Comment” show 26/03/09

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George Galloway on “The Real Deal” show 22/03/09

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George Galloway on “The Real Deal” show 15/03/09
To see other videos for this show and other shows for George Galloway, please visit:

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Please also visit George Galloway’s page on SpideredNews :

George Galloway on “Comment” show 12/03/09

George Galloway on “Comment” show 12/03/09

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George Galloway on “The Real Deal” show 08/03/09

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A Talent I Never Knew Heechul Has...

credits: lissyarif @ youtube

There was one time when I got to watch a video of sand painting on a friend’s phone. And that time, I was like: ‘WOAH! HOW DID HE DO THAT!?’ It was awesome, I tell you. I tried doing the same thing, but as expected, I failed.  How could I expect myself to do that when it was one of the greatest talent invented on Earth.

Yeah. One of the greatest talent on Earth, but it is one of the talents that our Kim Heechul has…

This video was uploaded exactly a year ago. But I’ve seen it only now. A loser that I am, I was really astonished when I saw him doing what I’ve always wanted to learn.

Well, we all know that Heenim can draw. He used to make cartoon characters with his classmates, when he was still in high school. But with sand? Wow. It caught me off guard. It made me admire him more.

Heechul’s got lots of talents nobody would think of in an idol. But hey, that is what we love idols for. And that makes Super Junior, especially Heechul (and of course, Sungmin), different. They’ve got lots to offer. And they never fail to surprise us with what they can do.

I never knew Heechul could do this. Hmm… What else could he do? I wonder… Oh, and I almost forgot his wickedly great ideas that we all love.

Nuevos Videos: Destacados.

Los videos más nuevos, recién sacados: “21st Century Breakdown”, “Meet me halfaway”, “Fifteen”, “Ni rosas ni jueguetes”, entre otras.



“Meet Me Halfway”, nuevo video de Black Eyes Peas de su disco “The E.N.D”.

“Fifteen”, un gran video por la cantante country Taylor Swift de su disco “Fearless”. ¡Continúa soprendiéndonos!

“Ni Rosas Ni Juguetes”, un muy interesante videoclip de Paulina Rubio de su disco “Gran City Pop”.

“21st Century Breakdown”, nuevo video de Green Day de su disco “21st Century Breakdown”.

“Tik Tok”, un grandioso video de la cantante Ke$ha de su nuevo disco “Tik tok”.

“Crack It Up”, la nueva cantante de Disney, Ashley Tisdale no se nos que no se nos queda atrás sólo por ser nueva cantante, este video está en su nuevo disco “Guilty Pleasure”.

A proposito de mi despido

que prolifico que estoy, debe ser el estado de mania frente a la mala noticia.

otro video de andrelo: sabe como cantar a los estados.

Lou Bizarro perdio por ‘Knock Out’
con Roberto Mano de piedra Duran
y su hermano Bizarro invade el escenario
para recatar a Lou.
Lou bizarro quedo muy mal
pero llevo manjares a su hogar
que no pudo ni probar, que no pudo ni probar.
Esta es la historia que nadie contó,
la historia de otro boxeador que perdio,
esa anoche America bizarra lamento
la caida de un campeon sin corona.

Y mano de piedra ni se entero,
si el Lou Bizarro se levanto,
porque, alguien en el ring lo encaro,
creo que algo le grito en español
America bizarra se divide en 2 ,
el gran sector que ni se entero
y los interesados por el perdedor
que son dos: tal vez nosotros dos.
Lou bizarro perdio por kock out
fue en el primero, en el segundo round
un fallo que nadie protesto,
un hombre gano, otro hombre perdió.
En casa de Lou, mama Lou lloro,
pero el cuñado la apuesta gano,
la hermana Bizarro apretó el pañuelo
bordado en Sicilia por un bisabuelo.

Esta no es la historio de Lou solamente,
es casi toda simultáneamente.
Son 10 segundos de un hombre común
que en la lona se cayo,
y en ese caso la pelea perdió, y en ese caso la pelea perdió.
Mama Lou, papa lou, sister Lou Lou Lou

no quiero ser Vincent, no quiero ser Van Gogh,
no quiero ser Tyson,
Tyson en Japon.
Porque un campeón a veces cae,
un campeón también cae,
porque un campeón a veces cae,
un campeón también cae.

saludos pigs…

Video Game: A Systematic Problem

Recently, one of my best friends signed on his MSN: online video game players are psychosis! Actually, his irritation came from his two roommates. 

His two young roommates are a couple, other than going to school, the only thing in their lives is playing online video games. In spite of large quantity of internet flow is used for this, they cultivated a reversed rest and work time. My friend doesn’t know when they usually go to bed, but he does know their breakfast is our dinner.

Frankly, those ill-controlled kids are not a few, they living everywhere around us. You may have no idea about this, just because they pretend normal.

This is how Wikipedia describes video game addicts:

Instances have been reported in which users play compulsively, isolating themselves from, or from other forms of, social contact and focusing almost entirely on in-game achievements rather than broader life events.

Online gaming is an emotionally draining and time-consuming activity. To create more time for the computer, gaming addicts neglect sleep, diet, exercise, hobbies, and socializing(Young, 2004). They let their own health go as they do not get the proper rest and nutrition they need. They may suffer a number of health problems from back strain, eye strain, carpel tunnel syndrome, and repetitive stress injury.

As one gaming addict explained, “I stopped bathing. I didn’t eat unless it was a quick snack I could eat in front of my computer. I lost weight. My skin was pasty and pale. I didn’t shave or comb my hair. I did nothing. I looked so bad that my mother told me I looked more like a heroin addict.”

This seems extremely like my friend’s roommates! I have met them once or twice before, and I remember that when I say hello to the little girl, she was so numbed, just standing still and gazing at me without any response. But actually we already knew each other, and I knew she curled her hair by $250. Unfortunately, those beautiful curls had been unwashed for at least 10 days. Moreover, from the pimple white face, she didn’t go out for a long time. This reminds me of the animation South Park, it has an episode specialized for World Of Warcraft game.

Video game industry has long been an easy target for the media to blame, and also been studied for links to addiction and aggression. Furthermore, numerous researchers have proposed potential positive effects of video games on aspects of social and cognitive development and psychological well-being. However, even large attention has given, the problem still exist.

Y asi con el salmon

viene a chile este 5 de diciembre, como buen fan, ya tengo mis entradas. y pongo este video, porque creo que como me ire a la mierda, una pequeña biografia ad-hoc a mi situacion actual, sirve como homenaje.

El crimen desorganizado entra y sale de mi casa
o van a la casa de al lado.
Todos mis amigos son iguales
y los que no son iguales son tan diferentes que somos ausentes.
Hace poco un amigo volvió arrepentido a su casa,
y ya por acá ni pasa, ni el teléfono atiende.
Serán las indicaciones del psiquiatra:
’seguí con el ‘rivo’ pero ni te juntes con el músico furtivo’
No lo culpo, a mí me pasó algo muy parecido.
Y me desintoxiqué, engordé
y desayunaba al mediodía, cinco minutos de felicidad.
¿La verdad? Que a veces mataría por otros cinco minutos más.
¿Y que más? El resto de la vida
¿La vida? ¿Cuál vida?
La mía te asustaría.
A mí que la vida me gusta también me asusta.
La verdad que tengo momentos de debilidad.
Y quiero ir al cine, ir a cenar al lado de una pareja de amigos,
hablar de Jarsmusch y Abel Ferrara,
y ninguna mañana rara,
y ninguna mañana rara.
Miro a los otros que son como yo …mala vida.
Si no se suicidaron ya fue por cobardía.
Cómo quisiera ser tan diferente
¿que habes recibido a cambio de ser un solitario del carajo?
¿un buen trabajo, facilidad musical, violencia intelectual
fama, respeto?…no esta mal.
Pero la herida es mortal.
No estoy solo, de verdad,
me acompaña mi propia soledad.
De verdad, me acompaña mi propia soledad.
¿Nadie sabe lo que pasa con la gente diferente?
El bohemio se pudrió mucho antes del milenio.
¿Y el reo? Queda feo en un mundo grasa,
¿Qué pasa con los vagabundos y los borrachines y los soñadores?
Yo te digo que pasa: se quedan sin casa y
la vida moderna los arrasa,
los pasa por arriba y se los morfa, se los come
o los encierra bajo dieta de sindor y cocaína
o les lame el orto esperando que terminen arrastrándose.
No lo sé.
A mi me parece claro como el agua podrida.
C’est la vida.
C’est la vida.
Interminablemente se vuelve uno decadente,
y en una sociedad que engordamos trás los huesos,
esos huesos,
ese abandono…¿Será la capa de ozono?
No lo sé.
A mi me parece claro como el agua estancada,
no pasa nada.
A mí me parece claro como el agua podrida,
así es la vida.
That’s life…thats the all the people say…
My funeral once… de bronce.

nos vemos el 5 de dic.

saludos pigs…

Mi cultura

Bomba is a musical expression created in Puerto Rico at the end of the 17th century, by West Africans and their descendants who worked the colonial sugar plantations along the coast of Puerto Rico. It was at “Bailes de Bombas” (Bomba Dances) where baptisms and marriages were celebrated, and rebellions planned. For this reason, celebrations were only permitted on Sundays and Feast Days. At Bailes the Bomba, the sounds of drums called “barriles,” typically made of empty codfish or rum barrels, drew the crowd into a circle. Dancers took turns challenging the drums, creating a dialog with their movements that the solo drummer answered. It is said that women bomba dancers would typically dance with their skirt raised, showing their slips, to ridicule the attire worn by plantation ladies.

Sabe onde tem um monte de virgem?

Na Uniban.

Tá no jornal, e você provavelmente já leu em algum outro lugar. Mas resumo pros lerdos (não excluo pra continuar segregando): A sujeita foi assistir aula no shoppi- digo! universidade, usando uma roupa mais curta do que seria adequado. Um bando de marmanjo desmiolado (que outro tipo estaria ali?) começa a provocar, falar em estupro, e logo logo a brincadeira virgem saiu de controle e todo mundo tava lá segregando a menina.

Não quero tomar muito o lado dela, porque se fosse esperta antevia isso acontecendo. Mas já que ela não estava usando nada que não fosse tolerável nos anos 30, preciso esculachar um pouco mais os colegas dela. Esse tipo de comportamento só se explica sabendo que o sujeito nunca foi a praia e viu mulher de bikini. Nas palavras do away: “Tá envergonhando…. a raça homi!”

Adendo: Que tipo de idiota acha que a PM tá ali pra expulsar a menina?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Shawty 3 Sorry (Super Junior vs Britney Spears) Teaser

New MV Teaser for “Shawty 3 Sorry” with Super Junior and Britney Spears. Not too sure on this one so I made a teaser for it. Again, I didn’t have a good enough acapella so this isn’t as good as I wanted it to be. Still hope you guys like it.
If you want the full MV please rate and comment and I will upload it.

Mixed with
Super Junior – Shawty, Shawty (Sorry Sorry Teaser)
Super Junior – Sorry Sorry (Korean Version)
Britney Spears – 3

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Algo me provoca esta canción, no se exactamente como definir tales sentimientos, pero cuando estoy triste o enojado la escucho y se me olvida todo. Sera una mezcla de melodía, voz y significado, no lo se, pero me siento muy bien al escuchar esta canción. Sin lugar a dudas esta canción es mi favorita. Cada vez que la canta es diferente, en una u otra cosa. A mi me gusta escucharla en vivo, con su voz en todo su esplendor. Aunque bien no es una canción de las más difíciles, no grita ni tiene notas largas, es la mejor canción que tiene.

Aquí les dejo el video, no la traduzco porque no se francés, pero disfrútenla.


É sempre uma sensação muito boa quando encontro vídeos agradáveis para assistir. Principalmente envolvendo motion graphics, animação e muitos efeitos malucos…

Este é uma apresentação do estúdio Nitrocorpz foi fundado em 2003 e já apresenta diversos trabalhos bastante importantes em vários segmentos do design como impressos, branding e design em movimento.
As peças apresentam uma característica bem autoral com uma perfeita harmonização entre cores vibrantes, chapadas e contrastantes com formas e elementos (imagens, ilustrações e vetoriais) geralmente simples e precisos. Mesmo sem muitas estripulias em computação gráfica tridimensional, os trabalhos audiovisuais são definitivamente de encher os olhos.

Maha Melihat - Opick Feat. Amanda


Enjoy… Amati dan resapi liriknya betul2….memang bagus…

tiada satu tersembunyi
tiada satu yang terlupa
segala apa yang terjadi
engkaulah saksinya

Kau yang Maha Melihat
Kau yang Maha Melihat
Kau yang Maha Pemaaf
padaMu hati bertobat

Kau yang Maha Pengasih
Kau yang Maha Penyayang
Kau yang Maha Pelindung
padaMu semua bertekun

yang dicinta ’kan pergi
yang didamba ’kan hilang
hidup kan terus berjalan
meski penuh dengan tangisan

andai bisa ku mengulang
waktu hilang dan terbuang
andai bisa ku kembali
hapus semua pedih

andai mungkin aku bisa
kembali ulang segalanya
tapi hidup takkan bisa
meski dengan air mata

repeat reff: [2x]

Russell Hantz: The Thin Ice

I apologize for the lateness of my Russell Hantz posts.  (My computer was down, but it’s now back up and running and running Windows 7 — which is actually a pretty good operating system, so far.)  Anyway, better late than never.  Let’s start off with Episode 5…

done var vars = {javascriptid: 'video-0', width: '400', height: '300', locksize: 'no'}; var params = {allowfullscreen: 'true', allowscriptaccess: 'always', seamlesstabbing: 'true', overstretch: 'true'}; swfobject.embedSWF('', 'video-0', '400', '300', '9.0.115','', vars, params);

Just in case you’ve missed it: the grey boxer briefs has returned!  Hooray!

In this episode, Russell was portrayed in a much more “slimier” light (if that’s even possible).  It’s pretty amazing that Liz was the only one who even suspected Russell for having the hidden immunity idol.  Perhaps it’s buried within the show’s editing floor, but Liz’s suspicion did not require genius detective skills since Russell was underneath that tree right in front of them from the previous episodes!  Anyway, Russell got in to his defensive mode by threatening Liz.  Being a male chauvinist gay guy, I felt a chill up my spine seeing a large male threaten this fragile lady.  It was just not right.  I think Russell just exposed himself by getting too angry and defensive.  I felt also ashamed as he scurried off like a girl while he watched Jaison walk towards them.  I must say that it wasn’t Russell’s finest moment.

Here are some screenshots of Russell telling Liz that she’s walking on thin ice.  Strap on some comfortable ice skating shoes, Liz…

When Ashley was voted off, my heart was shattered.  She was genuinely one of the nicest person in the game.  The betrayal of her friend, Natalie, really got to me for some reason.  The scene where Natalie was comforting Ashley for losing the reward challenge for them was heartbreaking and made me realize that Natalie is a (passive) force to be reckon with.  And during the Tribal Council, you can tell that Ashley felt that she at least had Natalie and Russell on her side.  And by being voted off unanimously, I can’t imagine what she felt at that moment.

And as far as Shambo is concerned: man, she just has no concept as to what this game is about.  She is the complete antithesis of Russell which is probably why I want them to go to the Final Two.  Good job, Shambo.  Let’s go and share the clue to everyone… from the other tribe!  Yes you share a kinship with them, but, man, that’s either the smartest or dumbest move.  The more I think about it, it’s probably the smartest move she has ever inadvertently done so far.

[Related Posts - Russell Hantz]

GameAlerts videos are COMING SOON!

Hey GameAlerts subscribers and readers of our website, we are going to be making our videos soon. We plan on doing our own reviews and previews on gaming. We also will be doing some rants and raves on this we don’t like as well.

This is very exciting for us as we are entering the video market now, and we plan on getting a lot more readers and subscribers over to our website with videos on Youtube. We may go on Meta Cafe as well. Expect great quality videos from us. Our first coming videos are:

-Introduction to GameAlerts
-How To Subscribe To Our RSS Feed
-How To Post A Comment On GameAlerts
-How To Rate A Post On GameAlerts

We plan on doing tutorials on our website first, as we have gotten some questions on how to do this and that on our website so why not make a video tutorials on our website to start off.

Thanks for reading and please comment and rate on this article as well as subscribe to our RSS feed. If you don’t know how, just keep visiting our site until a videos tab is shown in our menu bar, and there you can watch video tutorials.

Breaking Down Swiftner aka we heart Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift HARD!

How ridiculously perfect is this picture?! Seriously!

Dear LTT-ers and Robsteners,

We so get it now! After the pictures of the Taylors (aka Swiftner) came out this week and the ensuing letters I wrote to them UC and I fangirled out (it was mostly a lot of high pitched “oh-em-geeing) half the day about Swiftner and how much we loved them. I started watching the clips commenters posted in the letters to the Taylors post and I knew I had a new addiction. Here’s UC and I breaking it down…
The one where I “come out”
Moon: I officially sound like the Swiftner version of a robsten fan*
UC hahahahahahha and i like it SO much more!
Moon Yes, it’s not nearly as annoying or annoying at ALL
UC RIGHT! just cute!
Moon dude ive SO watched like 2 videos of him at her concert in Chicago. Stop me
UC: hahahahahhahaha love it!
Moon: people are posting them in the comments. She sings 15 in the audience in front of Taylor and then comes to hug the folks where he’s sitting and when she hugs him and the crowd goes nuts. its SOOO embarrassing. im embarrassed for them. and then they do that lingering hand holding thing as she walks away. Swiftner lives folks! hahahaha
UC: awwwww!!!! sooo cute!!!!
Moon its super cute
UC dude.. that’s amazing. Send me the link to the video

Moon: OMG!!! HAHAHA its even more embarrassing from this other angle
UC: Watching! Awwww!
UC he’s like “i love you” SOO cute! what if he sang? i’d die if he started singing along with her!
Moon: HAHAHAH they need to do a duet. I hope taylor has seen taylors crappy student video

Follow the cut to see us have an epiphany and plot our Swiftner love blog
The one where Taylor Swift “speaks to us”
UC: i bet i’d cry at her show b/c i get sappy at stuff that reminds me of when i’m a teenager. even though SHE doesn’t, she’s just SO that girl!
Moon: SHE IS!! i so would get sappy too! She speaks to my inner high schooler for realz

The one where she uses her feminine wiles to lure him in and UC remembers an embarrassing story about me!
Moon: her doing the hair flip is so getting to him
UC: hahahah hair flip. she’s showing off
Moon: totally!!! right in front of him and he laughs!
UC: probably dared her to
Moon: we totally robstening out right now, fyi!
UC: i just tweeted i’m a tay/tay shipper on my personal twitter
Moon: I tweeted on LTT: uc and i may or may not be breaking down this SWIFTNER chicago concert clip like we’re robsten fans
UC: omg is she SINGING to him? or just to that side?
Moon: other angle:

UC: he can SOO see her hoo ha!
Moon: she has her legs crossed cause she’s a lady!
UC he won’t even look at her. he’s too embarrassed
Moon: hes in <3
UC: SOO in love!
Moon: you know when you like someone a lot and its hard to look at them?! SO this moment
UC: YES SOOO this moment. Like you in the garage with that boy you liked
Moon: HAHHA yes
UC: my fav story ever. Next to my drunk bread story
Moon: its better to look away than to risk total embarrassment. that was SOOO embarrassing

The one where we’re in love and we GET IT
UC: i’m in love. with their love. is this how it feels to be a robsten fan?
Moon: I think so! It’s kind of addictive! We SOOO get it now!!
Moon: DANGIT! i’m addicted! I totally started following her on twitter last night and she tweeted about listening to “paparazzi” while being chased by the paparazzi and i was like DUDE shes SOOO with him! why else would she be chased?
UC: yess!

This tank top shows off this 30lbs of muscles nicely! Thanks for helping a brother out, wardrobe!

The one were we SQUEE about hand holding
UC: i haven’t finshed the vid yet!
Moon: look at the hands when they part and she walks away
UC: awww big hug. awwwwwww
UC: OMG! ahhh! I see it! it’s love! I bet they have the same arm band on
Moon: of course, It’s probably a shoestring with pop tops on it. Taylor made it on the tour bus between shows.
UC just SQUEED when i saw the hand hold!
Moon: SEE!!!
UC: i get it! i get it now! i get how robsteners feel (the crazy ones at least*). I still think they’re absolutely fucking crazy b/c kristen is the WORST for rob. I mean uh, did I say that out loud?
Moon: oh 100% i think this is actually GOOD!! like theyre a good match. robsten? not so much

The one where Selena Gomez better watch her back!
Moon let’s write a Swiftner fanfic
UC: yes! it can take place in Nashville
Moon: yes and the taylors will have matching white horses
UC: and matching rainbow sweaters and glitter will rain down from the heavens
Moon: So after writing a Swiftner FanFic the next step in this shipping is for me to create a Swiftner fanvid, right?!
UC: hahaha
Moon: then we’ll change our avatars to black and white pictures of them cause their love is timeless and beautiful!
UC: okay, what about a Swiftner love blog?
Moon: YESSS!!! It’s so ours!
Moon: then we’ll go on Selena Gomez fan sites and start bashing her and the commenters with stuff like: you’re DELUSIONAL if you don’t think they’re together!! and we’ll call all the 14yr old fans fat and ugly
UC: they are so ugly if they don’t believe
Moon: DUH and have NO life and wish it was THEM!

I love all these marching band pics, anyone see "The Other Sister?" I'm thinking 76 trombones right now!

The one where we debunk a common Robsten argument
Moon: OKKK sooo this brings up the HUGE argument the robstens bring up for robsten not being public
UC: what is that?
Moon: that SUMMIT wont let them be together in public because it ruins “the allure.” So if that was true it would most defs be true for TAYLOR since he’s the cats pajamas in New Moon
Moon: if that whole nonsense was true than theyd want lil tay tay free and single
UC: right!!
Moon: Robsten rumor DEBUNKED!

Dude, you guys loving Swiftner is SO fun! I hope we see them prancing in “the meadow” on a pair of matching unicorns soon. Get to work paparazzi!

So what do you think of all this Swiftner love? Now People’s talking about it, and I saw it on the cover of OK mag yesterday right under a Robsten article which I bypassed for the Swiftner news. TRUE STORY!


*Robsten fans – when we say Robsten fans we’re mostly refering to the crazy cuss you out, call you names, it’s their way or the highway, Robsten is tru fax and there’s no other way it could be, kind of people! We’re not talking about the COOL Robsteners like our gal Calli and others who love them some Robsten but also are psycho freaks and “GET IT.” It’s kinda like when we make fun of Twimoms, we’re not making fun of every mom who likes twilight, just the crazy ones! Kapishe?

Discuss your love or hate of Swiftner over at The Forum
UC gives Rob a REAL interview! LTR

Wanna hear Taylor call Taylor Tay-Tay?! Listen here!

What are they going to think of next!? NSX drifting, maybe..

Making dorifto history this past August is Kawabata-san and his S13.  Watch the clip to find out why..

Reverse entry drift is the next level apparently. When I first watched the video, I was expecting the driver to toss the rear forward and hold it while he slid through the corner. Thinking back on it, I don’t know how I could’ve even conceived such an impossibility, but I’m sure with some wishful modification to the front suspension some up-and-coming driver will be sure to raise the bar again.

On the subject of crazy drifting, some guy decided to take Honda’s most expensive sports car and subject it to the brutal unforgiving sport of slide. Now, I’ve seen self-proclaimed drift king Keiichi Tsuchiya drift his NSX-R on a track before, but for some reason, seeing a regular joe-schmoe pour his money, energy, and soul into his car really makes you feel for him. Decked out with wide body aero, custom engine tuning and remapped ECU and a custom tire rack, it brings its hardcore drifter-of-an-owner to the track in style, lets him pull off amazing drifts, and then takes him safely back home, just like how a reliable Honda should. Can you feel my Honda pride showing through? Haha.



Mientras buscaba información para el blog, me encontré con este vidio un tanto.. “flipante” sobre temas de el maltrato y el machismo. Como se puede observar en el vidio, la mujer le confiesa a la pitonisa que su marido la maltrata.. y la pitonisa en vez de aconsejarle que lo denuncie, le aconseja que le de una “copita de coñak” y que lo cuide sin que le falte nada, como si fuese su criada.

Como podemos ver , antes se intentaba sacar a la mujer como un objeto o simplemente sin derechos. Esto no preocupa , porque ya es pasado , lo preocupante está en que hoy en dia podemos encontrar anuncios con los mismos fines.

Entrada publicada por : Ruth Romero

Le Papillon

Animación de estética oriental a base de acuarelas contando una historia de honor, katanas y respeto en un japón medieval, que te envuelve en parte debido a las trazas onduladas que componen el dibujo.

Corto frances de la compañia Bibo Films es la creadora de este corto de animación titulado Le Papillon del año 2003 dirigido por Antoine Antinet y Jenny Rakotomamonjy.

Se puede ver este corto u otros de Antoine Antinet aqui.

YouTube com novidade na visualiza��o de v�deos


O YouTube desenvolveu uma nova forma de visualizar os vídeos do site. A partir de uma modificação na URL, o usuário tem acesso a uma nova página na qual os links dos vídeos relacionados são exibidos dispersos na janela do navegador.

Para testar, o internauta deve localizar no endereço do link o termo “watch” e substituí-lo por “warp.swf”. A nova página apresenta os thumbnails dos vídeos dispersos em pequenas janelas em forma de círculos que vagam pela tela. Para assistir, basta clicar nas imagens.

Simplificando bem trata-se de uma navegação diferenciada pelo acervo de vídeos do portal. Muito interessante pelo fato de ser mais divertido ficar vagando por um universo quase que ilimitado de vídeos e com apenas um clique poder assistí-lo normalmente. Essa nova função chama atenção por ser visualmente mais elaborada, porém, só resta saber se o serviço não vai ficar mais demorado ou com alguns problemas de na hora de assistir aos vídeos.

Eu já testei e acredito eu que veio pra ficar. Gostei muito de como cada vídeo fica relacionado com outro através de uma linha que liga um círculo à outro, ou seja, um vídeo à outro.

O Google ainda não informou detalhes sobre o novo sistema.

Clique aqui ou na imagem acima para conferir a novidade.

Sarah Palin Wishes That Levi Would Just Go Away!

I don’t think that there is a level that Levi Johnston will not stoop to.  He appeared on ’The Early Show revealing more inside secrets about Sarah Palin.  Levi is maintaining that Sarah Palin referred to her youngest son Trig as retarded.  Trig was born with Down Syndrome.  He also hinted that he had additional damaging  information about Sarah Palin.  Seriously?  I guess he will reveal that after the Playgirl spread when his money is running low.  Honestly, he is just the lowest of low and all of America should be happy that he didn’t end up in the White House.  He wouldn’t have been able to sleep at night thinking about how he would betray the hand that feeds him next.  

more about “Levi Johnston on ‘The Early Show’“, posted with vodpod

Most laughable moment of this interview?  Levi says that he is leaking more about Sarah Palin, because of how she has backstabbed and betrayed him.  Ha!  New meaning to the phrase ‘Pot calling the Kettle Black’.

Sarah Palin has responded to Levi’s interview and issued a statement:

 ”We have purposefully ignored the mean spirited, malicious and untrue attacks on our family,” the statement read. “We, like many, are appalled at the inflammatory statements being made or implied. Trig is our ‘blessed little angel’ who knows it and is lovingly called that every day of his life. Even the thought that anyone would refer to Trig by any disparaging name is sickening and sad. CBS should be ashamed for continually providing a forum to propagate lies. Consider the source of the most recent attention-getting lies — those who would sell their body for money reflect a desperate need for attention and are likely to say and do anything for even more attention.”

source, photo

Trick Or Re-Treat

             Here’s a new video I made called Trick Or Re-Treat. It involves killing, and all that other stuff. So I’d rate it TV-PG-V for violence. You’ll think it should be rated higher than this, but this is merely fantasy. And why do I tell you about it’s ratings? Obviously nobody is gonna follow them. Just watch the video. Some may find it cruel and some may find it humorous. Well, idc.

            Chobots is also having a Halloween party. Don’t forget to check that out on the Chobots blog: . 

Post Question: What part did you like about the video?


     Minha mãe me mandou um e-mail esses dias com um texto muito legal e deu a dica deu pôr no blog. É, a família toda tá colaborando agora. Mas acontece que o texto é bom mesmo e chega perto de abordar um tema que eu já queria escrever sobre já faz um tempo.

     O texto aparentemente não tem autoria, então fica aí a vaga.



     “Brasileiro sempre teve mania de reclamar dos seus governantes. Reclamava dos governantes das Sesmarias e das Capitanias Hereditárias; dos governadores gerais e dos imperadores. Reclamava dos presidentes da Velha República e da República Velha, dos militares, de Sarney, de Collor, do Itamar, de FHC, de Lula. Não reclamaram de Tancredo Neves porque morreu antes da posse!

     Nas próximas eleições vamos ter novo presidente, novo governador, outros deputados, ou os mesmos! Mas o povo vai continuar a reclamar. Sabe por quê? Por que o problema não está nos deputados, senadores, governadores, prefeitos, presidente, funcionários. O problema está naquele que reclama: você e eu, nós! O problema está no brasileiro. Afinal, o que se poderia esperar do povo que sempre da um jeitinho? Um povo que valoriza o esperto e não o sábio? Um povo que aplaude o vencedor de um Big Brother, mas não sabe o nome de um escritor brasileiro? Um povo que admira o pobre que fica rico da noite para o dia! Ri quando consegue puxar TV a cabo do vizinho. Sonega tudo o que pode e quando pode, sonega até o que não pode. O que esperar de um povo que não sabe o que é pontualidade? Joga lixo na rua e reclama da sujeira? O que esperar de um povo que não valoriza a leitura? O que esperar de um povo que finge dormir quando um idoso entra no ônibus? Prioriza o carro ao pedestre? O que dizer de um povo que elege o Maluf de novo, elege o Clodovil?

     O problema do Brasil não são os políticos, são os brasileiros. Os políticos não se elegeram, fomos nós que votamos neles. Político não faz concurso, ganha votos: o seu e o meu.”



     Não deixa de ser verdade, eu ainda acrescento, existe outro problema que é o conformismo. O brasileiro deve ter alguma carência, alguma vontade de se encaixar em todos os grupos, sei lá. O fato é que as pessoas parecem ter um bloqueio de dizer “não”, alguma coisa proíbe o cérebro delas de serem contra a opinião alheia. Eu já observei isso acontecer várias vezes e como sou taxado de “do contra” ou “criador de caso”, vejo isso com grande curiosidade. A minha teoria é de que o brasileiro tenta não desagradar o seu próximo. Não sei o porque disso.

     Acontece toda hora, quando o caixa do supermercado não te da a droga do um centavo (dá minha moedinha!), quando alguém fura fila (aê, eu cheguei antes de você aqui, amigão!) e existem trocentos exemplos do dia-a-dia.

     Alguns pesquisadores aparentemente chegaram ao cúmulo de estudar um fenômeno parecido que eles denominaram conformidade e que se relaciona muito com o brasileiro também. Segue o vídeo explicando abaixo.

     A meu ver a situação tem duas soluções. Uma e simples e a outra nem tanto. Apesar da nem tanto ser bem mais divertida.

     Na nem tão simples, fazemos como na revolução francesa e botamos algumas cabeças pra rolar. Claro que não necessariamente precisa ser com guilhotina. Isso seria desumano. Poderia ser pelotão de fuzilamento ou enforcamento. Tanto faz. Mas limpar um pouco o país dos políticos não faria mal nenhum.

     O grande problema dessa opção é a falta de organização e de atitude do brasileiro. Vontade de se sujar um pouco pra fazer uma limpeza.

     Na segunda opção, bem mais simples, porém muito improvável ainda, é a seguinte:



     Achei a imagem no blog Alê Félix.

     Nada poderia ilustrar melhor. Simples assim, vote nulo. Toda eleição que aparece eu encho o saco das pessoas que eu conheço, explicando isso. Vote nulo, se você acha que nenhum dos políticos merece o seu voto, não vote no menos pior, porque ele não sabe que você votou no menos pior, para a estatística o que fica parecendo é que você votou no cara porque gosta e apóia as suas idéias.

     Passe a mensagem certa e vote nulo. Avise para os políticos que você não os quer mais no poder. Poder esse que, por experiência, você sabe que eles só usam para nos ferrar.

Piensa y Lee Eres Tú. Walmart - High Cost of Low Prices

Bienvenidas y bienvenidos a una nueva edición de nuestra sección donde colocamos todos sus aportes, ahora vamos con un excelente video cortesía de mi gran amiga Mariel, “Walmart – High Cost of Low Prices”, aborda todo lo qué se encentra tras la imágen de una corporación qué destruye el lugar donde se ubique, bueno no les digo más.

English Version with spanish subtitles

Saludos de Piensa y Lee

Procrastination 101 - Is Late Really Better Than Never?

Yeah, so I was in Birmingham for the Taylor Hicks Workplay weekend last month. Took a crap-load of pictures and a few videos. Had every intention of writing a thorough recap, full of my impressions and reactions, along with some (hopefully) witty thoughts. But you know what? The words just wouldn’t come.

My muse has gone silent over Workplay. Maybe she’s just overwhelmed by the multitude of sights and sounds and emotions experienced those two evenings in that packed little theater. Or maybe she’s too busy constructing a quilt of memories from the daylight explorations and the nighttime musical buffets. Perhaps she’ll gift me with that quilt when it’s complete. Hand it over to me in one of those gossamer moments when I float between asleep and awake and whisper just the right words in my ear.

Or maybe she won’t. Maybe the perfect words to describe those days and nights in Birmingham will never come. And that’s okay, too. I’m happy either way. Because my response will be the same. Whether to the muse or to all of those who created those moments for me, my words would be simple and heart-felt. And they are these:

Thank you.

The best 10 Michael Jackson Collaborations

Last time we looked at Michael Jordan, and today we’ll look at the other MJ, Michael Jackson.

This Is It official trailer

Michael Jackson was one of the greatest artist/entertainers of all time and he happened to have lived during our lifetimes. We were lucky to have been affected and influenced by his music. No matter what else happened in his life, the music he gave to the world was one of the greatest gifts of all. It’s strange to be writing about him in the past tense since he had always been such a big part of our lives. But we must accept the realities of life, and try to remember him for what he has given us.

Will there ever be anyone like Michael? Will there ever be anyone greater than Michael? It’s difficult to imagine. No matter what the answer to that is, there will never be anyone who will make us feel like Michael did.

Michael’s influence in music goes far and wide. An entire generation of artists grew up with his music, including Usher, Justin Timberlake, Boyz II Men, and artists of all different genres. Michael also led many humanitarian efforts, championing causes and marshaling other artists to his aid. Through his many projects he has gained many friends.

Here today we present a few videos of Michael and his friends. Some are immediately recognizable while others might have been forgotten. Either way this is Michael at his best, and how we should always remember him.

#10 Michael Jackson with 3T

3T are the 3 sons of Tito Jackson who formed a R&B group. The song is pleasant, but the boys wear way too much makeup in the video. What’s the deal with their eyebrows?

#9 Michael Jackson with Boyz II Men

Boyz II Men perform two of Michael’s songs “Heal the world” and “We are the world”, with Michael himself joining the act towards the end.

#8 Michael Jackson with N’SYNC

Michael was no doubt a big influence on Justin Timberlake, especially his dancing. Here we have a short Michael Jackson dance with N’SYNC

#7 Michael Jackson with Usher and Chris Tucker

Michael performs “You rock my world”, joined by Usher and Chris Tucker towards the end. Next to Michael, Usher’s moves don’t look so smooth anymore.

#6 Michael Jackson with Slash

A combined performance of “Black or white”. Slash definitely holds his own in this show.

#5 Michael Jackson with Britney Spears

Britney Spears should be honored to appear on the same stage with an artist of Michael’s Caliber. Pretty interesting duet of “The way you make me feel” Britney does a decent job of it.

#4 Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney

Michael and Paul are the Robin hoods in this funny music video. The only music video made from their three collaborations together.

#3 Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson

Still the most expensive music video ever made at $7,000,000. It was made in retaliation against the child molestation accusations against Michael. One of the few collaborations of the two siblings.

#2Michael Jackson and friends

This is the “What more can we give” performance. It was meant to raise money for charities in response to the 9/11 attacks. This song featured artists such as Carlos Santana, Beyonce, Celion Dion, Usher, Mariah Carey, Ricky Martin, and many others. The full cast can be seen here.

#1 Michael Jackson and friends

This is the “We are the world” video. This shows how great Michael was in terms of gaining support for his causes. This video featured Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder, Billy Joel, Diana Ross, Willie Nelson, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Ray Charles among many others. The full cast can be seen here.

Bonus clips

Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney

Another great collaboration but no music video, just the song.

Janet Jackson and Michael?

Believe it or not, the voice is Janet, but slowed down to sound exactly like Michael’s. Weird but true. So I guess we’ll be hearing many more songs from “Michael” in the near future.

RIP Michael Jackson

O Time do Palavrão Brasileiro

Começa mais um jogo do melhor time do Brasil: o time do Palavrão Brasileiro.
O jogo é narrado pelo ótimo Marcelo Bressane que faz uma sátira muito engraçada misturando futebol e diversos palavrões.

Finada Dercy Gonçalves ficaria maravilhada com esse video


“É o melhor goleiro do Brasil, Nocú!” “Filha da puta, cadê você? Eu vim aqui só pra te ver” “Uh terror, o Caralho é matador” “Obina, é melhor que Eto´o!”

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


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With or without you

The last few days seemed to pass by in a Photoshop Gaussian blur effect. I can’t even remember what I ate for lunch yesterday. Except it wasn’t horrid, I’d have remembered if it was. But I wouldn’t bet your house on it.

I ought to be updating my blog more often since it is supposed to keep a daily record of my life or interesting insights I’ve thought of so far. You know summat along that line. But I’m not getting any spare time at the moment, when I do, I just wanna lie down.You have to try it. It’s one of the most awesome things to do in the world.

When I have more time, I will tell you what I really think about friendship drama, why there are certain people who drift in and out of your life, my recovering appetite and, of course, the neverending story of my decluttering. Sounds fucking amazing, innit? Stay tuned.

I have a splitting headache since 5pm earlier in the day so I ought to get some rest now. Before I go, let me play you a song, a song which once made me tear slightly, still gives me goosebumps and mainly, can’t resist clicking the replay button.

Promo 4x07: "Once Upon a Time in Texas"

”Once Upon a Time in Texas’ ‘promete  ser um capítulo exclusivo, o que nos permite viajar no tempo e reviver um dos melhores episódios na história da série, “Homecoming” . Será que vamos ouvir falar  ”Save the Cheerleader, Save the World” ?

Direção: —
Escrito por: —
Air Data: 02/11/2009
Sinopse: Quando Hiro viaja para os últimos três anos, terá uma segunda chance para salvar Charlie das garras de Sylar, mas a presença de Samuel vai tornar as coisas complicadas. Enquanto novo parceiro Noah Bennet será revelado.
Convidados: Jayma Mays, Elizabeth Rohm, Danielle Savre, Sally Champlin e Dawn Olivieri.


via Zona Heroes

adidas Football Predator X

The 10th generation adidas flagship football boot the Predator X has been unveiled as adidas Football’s most up-to-date and ground-breaking boot yet. Developed with the help of living-legend Zinedine Zidane, the boot counts four major developments as they include PowerSpine technology for enhanced mid-foot support, Optifit for better fit, X-Traxion for enhanced on-field grip and finally, Tauraus, a newly developed full-grain calf leather. The boot is available now at select retailers with a suggested retail price of $230 USD.

Melhores Covers do Mundo

Um japonês/chinês/tailandês resolveu colocar vídeos dele cantando suas musicas favoritas no YouTube, e o sucesso foi garantido. Escolha a música e aproveite para ouvir o melhor cover do mundo!!!

I Got a Feeling – Black Eyed Peas
I Dont Want To Miss A Thing – Aerosmith
Barbie girl – Aqua
I’m Yours – Jason Mraz
Senorita – Justin Timberlake
Jai Ho – Pussycat Dolls
Paparazzi – Lady gaga
Just dance – Lady Gaga
Sweet Dreams – Beyonce
You Belong With Me – Taylor
Smooth Criminal – Michael
Beat It – Michael Jackson
Womanizer – Britney Spears
Touch My Body – Mariah Carey
Closer – Ne-Yo
Thriller – Michael Jackson
The Climb – Miley Cyrus
My Heart Will Go On – Celine Dion
Disturbia – Rihanna
me singing thats not my name by ting tings
Halo – Beyonce
Love Story – Taylor Swift
Take A Bow – Rihanna
Never Gonna Give You Up – Rick Astley
Already Gone – Kelly Clarkson
Man In The Mirror – Michael
Black or White – Michael Jackson
Dancing Queen – Abba
Big Girls Dont Cry – Fergie
Decode – Paramore
Eye of The Tiger – Survivor
Sk8er Boi – Avril Lavigne
Unfaithful – Rihanna
As Long as You Love Me – Backstreet
Wonderwall – Oasis
Stayin Alive – Bee Gees
Byebye – Mariah Carey
Save This World – Nick Dreamer

Recordar es vivir

Recordar es Vivir, eso es lo que pienso cuando veo el video de la fiesta que tuvimos mis amig@s y yo despues de un re-encuentro de 34 anos de no vernos, cuando fuimos llegando a la fiesta pareciera que aquellos nin@s resurgieron en nuestros corazones, pues la ultima vez que estuvimos juntos teniamos 13 anos de edad, orale ! je, gracias a la magia de las fotos y del video puedo gozar de estos momentos, tu cuales recuerdos anoras en tu corazon ? que esperas para tomar la accion e invitar a tu esposa a cenar, reunirte con tus hij@s aunque ya se hayan ido de casa, o tal vez ir a comer con aquella amistad que tanto has valorado, vamos, toma la accion

Generosidad o Caridad

Generosidad o Caridad, son dos cosas diferentes, porque la Caridad es dar “cosas ” para acallar la conciencia, a veces una cobija ” nos sobra ” a veces un pan, un pantalon y podemos regalar a quien mas lo necesite.
A ti que eres un lider en tu ambiente te dire que la Generosidad es bondad de un nivel superior, porque es el amor incondicional, es dar de tu tiempo de tu escencia, darte tu, si, es DAR-TE, ser empaticos, dar tiempo de calidad, escuchando, orientando y buscando soluciones proactivas y ecologicas, aqui te dejo este video disfrutalo, ah y gracias por dejar tus comentarios, te gusto, no te gusto ? se honest@


Visualizacion de Metas

Visualizacion de Metas es una disciplina que yo tengo desde hace tiempo, porque se dice que el nervio optico tiene 20 metros mas de longitud que el sistema auditivo o kinestesico, a que me refiero ? pues nada mas y nada menos que visualizar las metas ya cumplidas ! si deberas de sentir que ya tienes ese carro, ese novio, esa esposa, ese trabajo y creelo, estas en camino a conseguirlo, tambien si dudas y lloras obtendras cosas o situaciones de esa baja vibra, aguas !!!
Aqui te comparto este video
Gracias por dejar tus comentarios abajo

Sincere - Crep Check - Christian Dior and Louis Vuitton

From the latest series of ‘Crep Check’ from Grime Daily, we have Sincere. Sincere’s last release being the collaboration with Kidbass on the track Goodgirls Love Rudeboys, which was quite a while ago to be fair. Neither the less, he’s back, and back with a bang it looks like. Not only showing off one pair of Christian Dior trainers, but then dropping the Louis V to match his hat and scarf. I’ve searched both sites of Dior and Louis V and for some reason, I can’t find either pair on the website. Not really a good look eh? (Nothing like a bit of useless information for the readers. Maybe their fake, kidding – Ben)

Anyway, this is what we’re all here for, the video;

If you want to backtrack on Sincere’s mixtapes, click here to purchase ‘So Far So Good’.

-  Graeme Day

OOOHH.. shineys

done var vars = {javascriptid: 'video-0', width: '400', height: '224', locksize: 'no'}; var params = {allowfullscreen: 'true', allowscriptaccess: 'always', seamlesstabbing: 'true', overstretch: 'true'}; swfobject.embedSWF('', 'video-0', '400', '224', '9.0.115','', vars, params);

I just love this video. One of my projects for next year is to get that HD recorder

Social Video, Social TV, Billions and Billions of Video Hours

I attended TV 3.0 in Los Angeles this month. Among the highlights were the predictions summarized by Intel’s CTO Justin Rattner about The Future of Television.

Among the subjects discussed, were that by 2015 it is predicted that there will be 500 billion hours of video in the Cloud, 12 billion devices will be able to receive TV content via the Internet, and TV will continue to be an important part of our lives. This is huge!

If you missed the TV 3.0 event, there is a video with some of the Intel viewpoints posted at

What will TV look like going forward? Television will become even more informative, ubiquitous, personal and social.

In the past viewing TV was a social event. Remember the dawn of color television and having the whole family watch Star Trek episodes together? Now TV is more personal. We each can watch what we want when we want, thanks to options such as Netflix and TIVO. What we are seeing now is a shift back to social TV or social video experiences. TV is adding aspects of social networking or social media. Electronics, the Web and the Cloud are empowering new social connections with social video broadcasts that allow interaction with the broadcasters and the audience.

Being informative, ubiquitous, personal and social is how we see our Facebook application, Vpype, evolving. Vpype is all about user generated content and transforming the viewers’ or users’ experience with live, interactive social video broadcasts that tell a story.

Jay-Z x Alicia Keys to Perform at World Series: Game 1

Hopefully by now it doesn’t come as news to you that last night the Yankees beat the Angeles 5-2 and won the AL. In other words, they’re in the world Series and playing the Phillies. Now I won’t lie to you and say that I follow baseball every season– because I don’t. I do watch some of the playoffs and follow all of the world series though.

It is major news though, that HOV will be performing Empire State of Mind with Alicia Keys during Game 1 at Yankee’s stadium. So make sure you tune in Tomorrow at 7:57 pm to the game. Go Yanks!

Celebrity Gossip Sites, A Brand War

This brand war is on celebrity gossip sites. Ah, the guilty pleasures so many of us succumb to.

Those poor celebs.

Anyway, here are the contenders because they’ve been the most frequent gossip sites I’ve visited in the past few years: X17online, Perez Hilton, I’m Not Obsessed, and Who needs tabloid magazines when these sites are much more up to date!


X17Online has been around for quite some time because I’ve been going to their site since at least 2005. I enjoy X17 because they seem to discuss a lot of the celebrities that I like to read about, such as Britney Spears. X17Online discusses Britney far more than the three other contenders. They also annoy the heck out of her I’m sure. X17Online is structured pretty simply, the content is displayed in the middle with ads to both the left and right. They used to have a list of celebrities at the top right margin, but it’s since changed and become a feed of popular posts and has moved far down under the ads. At the bottom there is a list of page numbers and the ‘next’ key. At the top of the page is a full menu that includes archives, videos, photo galleries and a search feature among other things. The search feature does not work very well at all. It seems to be buggy and gives error messages at times. I refrain from using it. X17 tries to promote themselves as being a ‘news’ source and not gossip. They are also quite opinionated when it comes to certain celebrities, and seem to have their favourites. They are at times quite mean. As far as service, X17 has given me viruses and problems in the past. They seem to have gotten it together more recently as I’ve not had any issues. The reason I’d usually go to X17  is to watch its video feeds. That’s what they’re good at providing. They’re also pretty good at UK coverage as well; I enjoy seeing Keira Knightly prance around London with very cool fashion choices, or Amy Winehouse talking to her rats with Blaaaaake.

Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton is actually the most frequently viewed Gossip site in Canada according to Alexa Web stats. His site has been around for years as well, and has garnered fans due to his teasing white penmanship. An openly gay feminine man with a hair color obsession has made millions with his site. Unfortunately for him, his site is failing to impress me anymore. I now find that he’s much too concerned with his celebrity ‘friends’ and continues to use his site for his political views. His site is for real dirt, I don’t enjoy his biased gossip, nor his political gossip. He used to be very funny with his white marker, and he told it like it was, even finding out things before any other news sources. He does things like draw ooze coming out of Beyoncé’s armpits, “drool” on many people’s mouths, and words written on photos that could kill. He likes to ‘out’ people too and is always guessing people’s orientations. He can be very mean, and is sometimes very rude, but that’s why people read his site. one thing I do still go there for is his music taste. Perez Hilton has a great ear for good indie music. In part thanks to him I get great new sounds in my playlist. His political posts and his praise for celebrities such as Lady Gaga in addition to his lawsuit posts that don’t seem to end leave me quite bored and so I scroll right through them. The commenters on his site seem to be quite illiterate and half the time do not even discuss the posts. The site is pink with sparse ads on both sides, a search feature with a drop down of all celebrity names, and an archive search by date.

I’m Not Obsessed

I’m Not Obsessed is a gossip site run by a housewife and a mother named Vera. Vera’s site offers ‘gossip without the guilt’. She’s kind and provides stories without being judgemental or rude. She compliments the stars and their appearances and I think that if they read her site they’d be pleased. Vera ensures that her commenters are on the same page as her in that they are entitled to their opinions but aren’t crude or derogatory. Vera provides fashion posts as well, and gives price tags to certain celebrity outfits. She also re-creates very similar outfits for people on a tighter budget. There are contests on her site, but I’m not sure if Canadians could ever win anything so I haven’t participated. She’s created a points system so that people are encouraged to post comments and to open discussions. The photos that Vera obtains are some of the best shots out there. I’ll often go to these gossip sites in the same day, and notice the different angles that Vera receives(or however she obtains them). The pictures seem to be of better quality too. The site only has ads on the right hand side, and the color scheme works well. At the bottom of the page six additional things that you can do on I’m Not Obsessed are promoted, including quizzes, polls, and even games. Vera also has a ‘buddy’ system where you can befriend fellow posters. She’ll befriend you too if you’ve got something interesting to say. Her posts read in a very friendly manner much as though you were reading what a friend is writing.

TMZ is the most popular of the four sites according to Alexa stats. TMZ takes a longer time to load but they’re pretty good at providing live news. TMZ often veers away from the things I like to read about, such as their sports, politics, or Z-list celebrities posts, but they have the biggest supply of video stories. TMZ is a very busy site to look at, it’s almost hard on your eyes. The ads are in between posts in addition to being on the side and mouse-over pop-ups. I often get annoyed when visiting the site, and will usually stay only as long as there’s some video that looks interesting in the first 2 pages. What I dislike about the site is the fact that you have to be directed to a new window when you want to see pictures or videos. It would be better if they’d just display them on the front page. Their videos will usually also have advertisements first, something that X17online or Perez don’t seem to have as often. To go to their next page, you have to click on ‘Older posts’ if you can find it. The bottom of the site looks jumbled with different headlines and tags. I’m left not wanting to click on any of them. TMZ’s TV chow is much more interesting than their site. I usually visit it when I’ve seen everything that’s new on the three other sites.

It’s difficult to write a comparison without any favouritism. This is a brand war after all, and one has to win. The winner is quite clear based on the above, but it needs to be said that I’m Not Obsessed wins because it is increasingly up my alley. I do feel bad for the celebrities and the fast lives they live and so it’s nice to read about them in an unbiased positive light. If Vera isn’t fond of an outfit or person, she’ll go ‘thoughts anyone?’ and refrain from saying anything mean.


Rock me mama — like an Irish music fest

We cover “Wagon Wheel” with the help of Art from Darby O’Gill on Sunday during the Celtic Music Festival at the Galway Bay Irish Pub in Ocean Shores. Some amazing acts. Please ignore the one ridiculously wrong chord I hit. Thanks Elizabeth for running the camera.

We’ll be going back to the pub Wednesday night to play out the rest of the week.

Wish you were here. Enjoy.

John Denver--Videos

“There’s one piece of advice my dad gave me when he dropped me off at college. He said, “You’ve got the talent. You can sing and play guitar. That doesn’t make you any better than anyone else.””

~John Denver John Denver – Rocky Mountain High

John Denver – Annie´s Song

FLY AWAY John Denver & Olivia Newton-John BEST QUALITY

John Denver – Eagles And Horses

john denver-sunshine on my shoulder

Thank God I’m a Country Boy: John Denver

John Denver – How Can I Leave You Again (1978) [6/8]

John Denver – Peace

John Denver Like A Sad Song

John Denver – Leaving on a Jet Plane

John Denver Sweet Surrender

John Denver – For You

john denver- a song for all lovers

Whispering Jesse – John Denver

John Denver …Poems Prayers and Promises..

John Denver Calypso Live

John Denver: Yellowstone Coming Home

Perhaps love is like a resting place, A shelter from the storm, It exists to give you comfort, It is there to keep you warm, And in those times of trouble, When you are most alone, The memory of love will bring you home”

~John Denver

Background Articles and Videos

John Denver

John Denver (December 31, 1943 – October 12, 1997), born Henry John Deutschendorf, Jr., was an American Country Music/folk singer-songwriter and folk rock musician. He was one of the most popular acoustic artists of the 1970s in terms of record sales,[1] recording and releasing around 300 songs, about half composed by himself. He was named Poet Laureate of Colorado in 1977. Songs such as “Leaving on a Jet Plane” (1967), “Take Me Home, Country Roads” (1971), “Rocky Mountain High” (1972), “Sunshine on My Shoulders” (1973), “Thank God I’m a Country Boy” (1974), “Annie’s Song” (1974), and “Calypso” (1975) are popular worldwide. Denver has been referred to as “The Poet for the Planet”, “Mother Nature’s Son” (based on The Beatles song he covered) and “A Song’s Best Friend”.

John Denver

John Denver – Follow Me (1974)

John Denver – Talking with Johnny Carson (1985) [Part.2]

John Denver – Good Company Interview (1988) [1/2]

John Denver – Good Company Interview (1988) [2/2]

John Denver – Interviewed by Derryn Hinch (1994)


John Denver Talks About Rocky Mountain High

John Denver – Sarajevo Winter Olympics (1984) [1/8]

John Denver – Sarajevo Winter Olympics (1984) [2/8]

John Denver – Sarajevo Winter Olympics (1984) [3/8]

John Denver – Sarajevo Winter Olympics (1984) [4/8]

John Denver – Sarajevo Winter Olympics (1984) [5/8]

John Denver – Sarajevo Winter Olympics (1984) [6/8]

John Denver – Sarajevo Winter Olympics (1984) [7/8]

John Denver – Sarajevo Winter Olympics (1984) [8/8]

John Denver – Last Performance (1997)

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Novo vídeo de Left 4 Dead 2!

Eis aqui a prova definitiva de que os zumbis nunca morrerão (com o perdão do trocadilho) seja em que mídia for. Esse novo vídeo do Left 4 Dead 2 é dar água na boca, afinal, é recheado de inimigos, personagens, cenários e armas novos; tem até serra-elétrica!

Confira abaixo e delicie-se, pois esse maravilha será lançada logo, logo no dia 17 de novembro. Mininova que me aguarde…

Sam Cooke--Videos

Sam Cooke – (Ain’t That) Good News & Interview [HQ]

Sam Cooke – You Send Me

Sam Cooke-Everybody Loves To Cha Cha Cha

Sam Cooke-Blowing In The Wind

Sam Cooke-Ain’t That Good News

Sam Cooke-Twistin’ The Night Away

Sam Cooke – Trouble Blues

Sam Cooke “Just For You”

Chain Gang-Sam Cooke

Sam Cooke – Frankie And Johnny (Stereo)

Sam Cooke-Cupid

Sam Cooke – I Wish U Love

Sam Cooke-The Riddle Song

Sam Cooke-Old Man River

When I Fall In Love – Sam Cooke

Sam Cooke – Don’t Cry On My Shoulder (Revised)

Sam Cooke-Bring It On Home To Me Live

For Sentimental Reasons and Interview

Sam Cooke-A Change Is Gonna Come

Sam Cooke “Sugar Dumpling”

Sam Cooke- Baby, Baby, Baby

Sam Cooke-Danny Boy

sam cooke-mona lisa

Sam Cooke- One More Time

Your Always On My Mind – Sam Cooke

over my shoulder- sam cooke video-the wittle man album tribute video and song

Sam Cooke – Wonderful World

Sam Cooke – Send Me Some Lovin’

Sam Cooke-Mary Lou

♥♫ SAM COOKE – Blue Moon♥♫

Sam Cooke- Another Saturday Night

Sam Cooke – Smoke Rings

Sam Cooke – Nobody knows the trouble the i’ve seen

Sam Cooke-The Great Pretender


Sam Cooke – Twisting the Night Away & The Riddle Song (The Jerry Lewis Show – Dec. 7, 1963)

Sam Cooke – Basin Street Blues (The Tonight Show – Feb. 7, 1964)

Sam Cooke – Tennessee Waltz, Blowing in the Wind, and Lucille (Shindig! – Sept. 16, 1964)

Background Articles and Videos Sam Cooke

“…Samuel “Sam” Cooke (January 22, 1931 – December 11, 1964) was an American gospel, R&B, soul, and pop singer, songwriter, and entrepreneur. He is considered to be one of the pioneers and founders of soul music.[2][3][4]

Cooke had twenty-nine Top 40 hits in the U.S. between 1957 and 1964. Major hits like “You Send Me”, “A Change Is Gonna Come”, “Chain Gang”, “Wonderful World”, and “Bring It on Home to Me” are some of his most popular songs. Cooke was also among the first modern black performers and composers to attend to the business side of his musical career. He founded both a record label and a publishing company as an extension of his careers as a singer and composer. He also took an active part in the American Civil Rights Movement.[5]

Sam Cooke

Sam Cooke

Sam Cooke

Sam Cooke Tribute

Chain Gang from Cadence

Sam Cooke “Chain Gang”

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Premier League Jornada 10 – 2009

Después de caer en liga frente al Aston Villa, el Chelsea lo ha pagado con el Atlético y con el Blackburn, endosándoles sendas goleadas. Para mi, sin duda, es el gran favorito para esta Premier, aunque todavía sólo saque dos puntos al Manchester United. Givet, en propia meta, inauguró el marcador, luego marcarían Lampard (2), Essien y Drogba.

Ver el resumen del partido

Menudo macht-ball que ha salvado Benítez. Sinceramente creía que el Liverpool no sería capaz de ganar al Manchester United, pero los reds tiraron de casta y se impusieron con goles de Torres y N´Gog. Ahora hay que seguir ganando para que este resultado no sea en balde.

Ver el resumen del partido

El Arsenal se dejó dos puntos en Upton Park, ya que estuvo ganando el partido durante 80 minutos con los goles de Van Persie y Gallas, pero el West Ham se recuperó gracias a los goles de Cole y Diamanti. Sin duda es un resultado que le viene mejor a los locales que a los visitantes.

Ver el resumen del partido

Justo la jornada antes del derbi frente al Arsenal, el Tottenham pinchó en casa frente al Stoke City. Parece que los de Redknapp han notado bastante la baja, ya hace unas semanas de Modric, y han bajado un poco el ritmo. El único gol del partido lo marcó Whelan a falta de cuatro minutos.

Ver el resumen del partido

Quien también ha bajado es el Manchester City, que ha encadenado esta jornada el tercer empate consecutivo. Encima, como el Arsenal, tenían el partido con dos goles de ventaja, Lescott y Petrov, pero el Fulham lograba empatar en seis minutos con los tantos de Duff y Dempsey.

Ver el resumen del partido

Otros resultados de la jornada:

Wolverhampton 1-1 Aston Villa
Birmingham 2-1 Sunderland
Burnley 1-3 Wigan
Bolton 3-2 Everton
Hull 0-0 Portsmouth

Discurso de Michael Jordan no hall da fama

Jordan é humano e também pode chorar...

A notícia não é nova, na verdade é de meados de setembro, mas com a proximidade do início da temporada 2009-2010 da NBA o assunto basquete está em alta.

A NBA apresentou os selecionados para a classe de 2009 do hall of fame. Dentre os escolhidos estão John Stockton (que fez história no Utah Jazz), David Robinson (que fez história levando uma enterrada do Pipoka no Pan de 1987 no San Antonio Spurs), os treinadores Jerry Sloan e Vivian Stringer e o mais esperado de todos, Michael Jordan.

É bacana ver essas escolhas, pois quando comecei a gostar de basquete Michael Jordan e John Stockton duelavam em consecutivas finais da NBA. Também acho muito legal a capacidade de eternizar seus ídolos que a NBA tem. Além do hall da fama é comum equipes aposentarem as camisas de seus principais jogadores de todos os tempos, assim, ninguém mais poderá utilizar a camisa 32 do Lakers, que foi eternizada por Magic Johnson, a 23 do Bulls, de Michael Jordan, entre tantas outras. Não sei se algo deste tipo funcionaria no nosso futebol. Como a numeração das camisas dos boleiros geralmente indica a posicao em que o jogador atua e nao chega a números muito altos (ok, o Ronaldinho gaúcho joga com a 80, mas é exceção), seria um pouco estranho no começo. Mas é justo alguém mais usar a camisa 10 do Santos Futebol Clube? Parece que não…

Assistir os vídeos dos discursos é uma verdadeira aula da história do basquete. Esses personagens são protagonistas desta história e ouvir isto diretamente deles é muito bacana!

No discurso mais aguardado da noite, Michael Jordan emocionou os presentes. Começou falando sobre a importância de seus companheiros: “Vocês não me veem sozinho nos vídeos, vocês veem Scottie Pippen. Em cada campeonato que conquistei!”.

Jordan também contou histórias sobre seu espírito competitivo, muito deste adquirido dentro de sua própria casa. Dentre as histórias os destaques:

- Um de seus técnicos em North Carolina, onde Jordan cursou a faculdade, deu uma entrevista para o Sports Illustrated e citou 4 de seus jogadores. Jordan não era um deles. “Levei isso como um desafio.”, disse Jordan em seu discurso.

- Após sua primeira aposentadoria, Jordan ouviu de Bryon Russel, então jogador do Utah Jazz: “É uma pena você se aposentar, pois não terei a chance de pará-lo. Você sabe que posso te marcar” . O resultado? Que tal a cesta do título em 1998, sendo marcado pelo próprio Bryon Russel?

Um dos momentos mais engraçados foi quando Jordan falou sobre um dos cortes que sofreu quando Leroy Smith foi selecionado e Jordan ficou de fora. “Leroy está aqui hoje, ele continua com a mesma altura, seu jogo deve continuar o mesmo. Eu não queria provar para Leroy Smith, eu não queria provar para mim, Eu queria mostrarr para o técnico que me cortou: Você cometeu um erro, cara!”

Mesmo se você não é fã de basquete, vale a pena ver os vídeos. A primeira parte segue no player abaixo e os links para as partes 2 e 3 estão na sequência.

Parte 2

Parte 3

passion pit: sleepyhead...S>O>T>W>1

Song Of The Week: 1st Edition!
Here’s a great song, from a very good album, with my favorite music video right now!
Passion Pit – Sleepyhead
I love the use of samples, sped up. Plus the dudes voice is GREAT (you just might need to take a little time to get used to it)…i love it though. This is wonderful music, and it is what indie music is right now! Really a great song…enjoy!!!

Peace, and sleepyhead love.

btw…these Song Of The Week editions, if you don’t get it right away, that’s okay. the point is to provide you with songs you might or might not know about, but i think they’re both important and really rad for particular reasons.

coffee ink

Knave of Hearts, Maxwell Parrish

Short time for me at work this week! Vacation–going to the World Fantasy Convention in San Jose, so looking forward to that. It’s been many years since I last went to one. Three more days and I’m winging my way to San Jose. Michelle’s coming with. It’s going to be fun.

Yesterday, on a visit to Office Depot, found a dvd of 30 DAYS OF NIGHT, and watched it last night for the 3rd or 4th time. It’s got one of the best horror movie endings in the history of horror movie endings. Definitely tops my list of favorite horror films. That movie makes me tense no matter that I’ve viewed it at least 3 times before. It’s mood, setting, the savage vampires, the heroic sheriff of the snowbound Alaska town caged in night for 30 days, and the nihilistic crucible in which the people are trapped waiting for the sun to rise again makes it impossible to watch without a chill in the gut.

Let’s see, what are my favorite horror films, in no particular order:









And that’s it so far. Oh yeah–I hate zombie films and will not watch them. Don’t read zombie books either.

Met with Janet yesterday for our monthly lunch, brainstormed a short story that she’s trying to write about one of her book characters. Her latest novel is out from Whiskey Creek Press–Wanted: True Love, a humorous tale about a young witch searching for true love with no luck thanks to an amorous, dastardly warlock who placed a curse on her.

I’ve got my NaNo novel idea sketched in story notes. Created a journal for it yesterday–I like to give all my novels their own journal–and I always pick a particular artist or artistic movement to use to ornament the entries. For Castle in the Air, I’m using Maxwell Parrish’s paintings. While I wait for November, I’m back at work on A Lamentation of Swans. Sweet Taboo is in a holding pattern somewhere in the creative ether. I’m so close to the end, but can’t find the words to get me there.

Judging by the luminous fall of light through the window, looks like it’s going to be a beautifully sunny day, but don’t know if I’ll make it outside at all today. I’m weeding my overgrown garden of manuscripts and story files stuffed in copy paper boxes. I really wish I’d stop creating duplicate, triplicate, quadruplicate versions of everything!

Aposentados do AERUS - Mov JÁ!

Movimento Acordo Já
Dia 23 de Outubro de 2009.
Dia do Aviador
Trabalhadores da Varig em mais uma Manifestação.
Até o presente momento nada resolvido. Até o presente momento somente: Privações, Humilhações e Penúria.
Os Trabalhadores da Varig não tem nada a comemorar neste dia tão importante.
Candelária Rio de Janeiro.
Fotografias Marilza di Carlantonio

YouTube Can Be a Serious Pain

So the other night I filmed and edited the Video of the Week video in just under an hour. I was rushing to get it done and up because the next day I would be out at the NC State Fair filming and having fun so I would not have any time to work on a video. But that night I lost power TWICE so I couldn’t upload my video,

The next morning I got up, set my video to upload, did the title, description and tags, and thought I was done. I left, went to the fair, and didn’t get home until about 10:30 that night. I was so tired I just made sure my video was up and then I crashed, thinking everything was okay with the video.

Last night, however, I pull the video up on my phone and realize that my title, description, and tags had not saved an instead had reverted back to the file name. FRACK! I lost almost 2 days where that video could have been watched because of YouTube’s freaking uploader. Man YouTube is a pain sometimes.

The video is now completely fixed (though the annotations page is broken… jesus, YouTube…) and hopefully a few more views will come in. To watch the video you can either click the link above or right here.

Revolução no youtube

Se queredes ver algún fragmento da nosa última representación “Revolução”, tedes a posibilidade de facelo grazas ao youtube. Estes son os enlaces:

Revolución irmandiña

Revolución da imprenta

Revolución francesa versus bolchevique

Revolución cubana e revolución sexual

Revolución aeronáutica

Fragmento cineastas 1

Fragmento cineastas 2

Cosplay #1~ Reita

Reita, illustrious bass-player of the GazettE, as cosplayed by Kei_Dynamite. Not only has kei_dynamite totally captured Reita, the quality and lighting of the photograph is completely typical of the Gazette. Photograph of the real Reita below:

Although I can’t help you find the leather jacket, here is a video that will help you get the (longer version) hair and basic makeup. The divine help me, it looks so simple.

Credits: visit Kei_Dynamite’s deviantart page

Video by Eme-Raude, visit her youtube page for more excellent Visual Kei makeup and hair tutorials

Computer Recycling - Hard Drive Destruction

You can buy anti virus, security software and use passwords with high degrees of security, but a computer geek can still read data off these drives if they are not destroyed efficiently when scrapped.  Ask your computer geek to read the data from these computer hard drives when they have been gently massaged in a shredder – computer hard drive recycling at its best.

Computer Hard Drive Destruction

more about “Hard Drive Destruction“, posted with vodpod

La locura del cambio de hora

Espero que hayáis retrasado el reloj. Si no, acabáis de encontraros una hora gratis. El asunto tiene su aquel, es tema de conversación y, aunque todos nos quejemos de lo mismo, por ahora parece que no hay más remedio. Aquí los de Camera Café resumen a la perfección todos los tópicos del asunto. Un tema que aunque es popular en España, no lo es tanto en otros países.

En lo internacional el tema también tiene su enjundia. Hugo Chávez se montó un lío de impresión con el asunto, y bien que se rieron de él y de su hermano.

Las formas de publicitar el cambio horario son muy variadas. Podemos ver mensajes institucionales, que suele ser lo más habitual, o publicidades pagadas, pero otros escogen otros métodos.

Los argentinos tienen poca experiencia en el cambio horario. En su caso es una medida reciente y, tras muchos debates y discusiones, se adopta con el argumento del ahorro de energía y es una medida muy impopular.

En España tenemos una Comisión Nacional para la Racionalización de los Horarios Españoles que pretenden normalizar nuestros horarios con los del resto de Europa. Respecto a nuestro cambio de hora, ellos opinan lo siguiente.

En lo que a mí respecta estoy harta de los cambios, me sientan fatal, pero por ahora parece que vamos a tener que seguir aguantándonos. No parece que nadie esté dispuesto a detener el cambio.

Carro controlado por iPhone.

Carros controlados à distância não são novidade, mas o que essa galera construiu é realmente interessante. O iDriver é um aplicativo para iPhone que foi desenvolvido para um concurso da DARPA pelo Artificial Intelligence Group da Freire Universitaet Berlin na Alemanha.

O projeto, batizado de “Spirit of Berlin” permite que um carro da BMW seja controlado por um iPhone, inclusive utilizando o movimento do aparelho e girar o volante através do acelerômetro. Veja no vídeo abaixo a demonstração do projeto:

Piadinha sem graça: o aplicativo vai ser disponibilizado na AppStore por apenas US$0,99 Os requisitos mínimos são: um iPhone e um CARRO de US$300.000!

Você poderá ter sua cauda automática em breve.

Pra que guardar suas emoções se você pode demonstrá-las apenas abanando o rabo?

Como assim, você não tem cauda? Pensando nisso, DIYer Wei-Chieh Tseng resolveu criar o dispositivo da foto acima, que você pode prender na cintura e sair por aí balançando a cauda. O controle pode ser feito por um nunchuck do Wii que fica convenientemente escondido no bolso (afinal, você não vai querer que ninguém descubra que o rabo é falso) ou por um sensor RFID que vem preso ao cinto. Basta aproximar um cartão com um chip transmissor e o dispositivo responde imediatamente.

Gravador portátil em alta resolução.

Acaba de ser lançado o Zoom Q3 Video Recorder, um gravador portátil de vídeos que tem um grande diferencial: possui uma ótima captura do som ambiente.

O aparelho vem com um super microfone com dois condensadores de alta precisão que permitem a captura de sons em uma qualidade absurdamente alta, e que vai fazer seu vídeo ganhar uma nova vida.

Além de tudo, os processos de transferência, conversão, edição e compartilhamento do vídeo gerado é muito simples, ideal para quem trabalha com vídeos curtos e que devem ser disponibilizados rapidamente em serviços como YouTube e Facebook.

O Zoom Q3 Video Recorder já pode ser comprado no site da Amazon, por US$249.

Novo Apple Magic Mouse.

Se você acha que já viu tudo em relação ao mouse, conheça agora o novo Apple Magic Mouse, que além do mouse também herda característica do fantástico trackpad dos MacBooks. A superfície superior do Magic Mouse é sensível ao toque e possui suporte a gestos com um ou dois dedos. O vídeo abaixo já fala por si.

O Magic Mouse possui interface Bluetooth e já está à venda por apenas US$69.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lynette contra el topo...

Despues de una dura batalla contra el cancer, Lynette Scavo espera con ansia los resultados para saber si ya esta curada de esta enfermedad, siendo el dia de brujas todos estan listos para la fiesta, pero Lynette en lugar de pensar en eso libra una guerra contra un pequeño topo que llego a su jardin, ella no va a dejar que este roedor destrulla sus plantas, tanto asi que hasta compra una escopeta para matarlo… por la noche el doctor llega y le da los resultados, Lynette esta curada, el cancer se ha ido de su cuerpo. Aliviada y sientiendose bien por primera vez desde la enfermedad sale al patio para observar las estrellas y oler la brisa de la noche, pero hay algo en el suelo que le llama su atencion, el topo contra el que habia estado luchando ahora esta muerto, Lynette gano, logro matar al topo… al darse cuenta de lo fragil que es la vida se sienta y le pide perdon al animal…

Just another Saturday Night...

LOVE this song:

Another Saturday nigt and I ain’t got nobody
I have some money ’cause i just got paid
How I wish I had someone to talk to
I’m in awful mess
I blew in town 1 week ago, I ain’t seen a lotta girls since then
If I could find’em I could get’em but as yet I have’nt met’em
That’s why I’m in the shape I’m in ohhhh
Another Saturday night and I ain’t got nobody
I have some money ’cause I just got paid
How I wish I had someone to talk to
I’m in awful mess
Another fella told me he had a sister that looked so fine
Instead of being my deliverance, she had a strong resemblance
To a cat named Frankenstein ohhhh….
Another Saturday night and I ain’t got nobody
I have some money ’cause I just got paid
How I wish I had someone to talk to
I’m in awful mess
It’s hard for a fella, when he don’t know his way around
If I can’t find me a honey to help me spend my money
I’m gonna have to blow this town ohhh….
Another Saturday night and I ain’t got nobody
I have some money ’cause I just got paid
How I wish I had someone to talk to
Im in awful mess

Said I love You...(Disse que te amava... mas eu menti)

Você é a vela, o amor é a chama
Um fogo que queima através do vento e da chuva
Ilumine meu coração com teu amor
Até o fim dos tempos
Você veio a mim como um amanhecer
Apenas brilhando como o sol
Fora dos meus sonhos, dentro da minha vida…
Você é o único…

Disse que te amava, mas menti
Porque isso que eu sinto é muito maior do que amor
Disse que te amava, mas estava errada
Porque o amor nunca poderá ser tão forte quanto o meu sentimento
Disse que te amava, mas menti.

Com toda a minha alma
Eu tenho tentado em vão
Explicar as palavras do meu coração
Este gosto do paraíso tão intenso, tão verdadeiro
Que descobri em você
Por muitas razões e de várias maneiras
Minha vida apenas começou
Preciso de você para sempre
Preciso que você fique comigo
Você é o único…


Você veio a mim como um amanhecer
Apenas brilhando como o sol
Fora dos meus sonhos, dentro da minha vida…
Você é o único…


Perfeita para a ocasião!!

Swedish House Mafia dropping "Day N Reveal (Fred Lilla Bootleg)"

En av Fred Lilla’s senaste bootlegs, Day N Reaveal blev den här sommaren
supportad av Norman Doray, Arno Cost och även självaste Swedish House Mafia. Fred’s bootleg tog även en plats i “Arno Cost September Top 10″. Nu väljer vi på House4Sure att även vi supporta honom för denna grymma bootleg. 

East & Young feat. Kid Cudi – Day N Reveal (Fred Lilla Bootleg)

/ Jesper & William

David Bisbal canta "El Ruido", compuesta por Vega

Aquellos que consiguieron hacerse un hueco en el mundo musical, tras triunfar de distintas formas, se unen de nuevo para colaborar. Que el finalista de Operación Triunfo 1 cante “El Ruido” y que una de las voces menos queridas en su día, aunque hoy la más valorada, en Operación Triunfo 2, haya compuesto esta canción para su nuevo disco “Sin mirar atrás”, es en parte producto de la casualidad de la coincidencia a lo largo del tiempo y fruto del trabajo.

Todo en esta canción destila sabor a Vega y no me equivoco si somos muchos de sus fans los que estamos deseando escucharla en su propia voz, e incluso en un dueto, ahora que tanto se llevan.

No puede ser, se me escapó
se fue con un suspiro apagando mi razón
y ahora ya no creo en nada

La busco aquí, en la habitación
su ropa en el armario conserva aún su olor
apuntalando mi nostalgia..

Oigo su voz, aun que no está,
sigo tratando de aceptar

Que me falta el ruido..
sus pasos por la casa, siempre, ruido
su risa recorriendo los pasillos
la vida se me antoja eterna,
no me siento capaz de ser feliz
si ya no está, si me falta ruido..
si falta ruido

Donde quiera que estés…

El caso es que yo sigo aquí
buscando mil motivos que ayuden a seguir
pero no sirven de nada

La busco aquí, en cada canción
no logro imaginarme un cielo aún mejor
que su trasluz en la ventana..

Oigo su voz, aun que no está,
sigo tratando de aceptar

Que me falta el ruido..
sus pasos por la casa, siempre, ruido
su risa recorriendo los pasillos
la vida se me antoja eterna,
no me siento capaz de ser feliz
si ya no está, si me falta ruido..
si me falta el ruido

Si me falta el ruido
sus pasos por la casa, siempre ruido…
su risa recorriendo los pasillos..
la vida se me antoja eterna
no me siento capaz de ser feliz si ya no está
si me falta el ruido…

sus pasos por la casa, siempre ruido…
su risa recorriendo los pasillos..
la vida se me antoja eterna
no me siento capaz de ser feliz si ya no está
si me falta el ruido…

Si falta ruido….