When our beloved son, Reuben was about two years old, one of the first portions of the scripture that he had committed to memory besides the Lord’s prayer and the Fruit of the Spirit was the Armor of God from Ephesians 6. But we taught him and he learned to end it always by saying … and the sword of the Spirit, is the word of God, “The Bible”. Little did I realize then that the addition of the words, ‘the Bible’ not only affirms that the Bible is the sword of the Spirit, but that it is the ‘Only’ word of God.
The Bible tells us that All scripture (The Bible) is God breathed (2 Timothy 3:16) and we see in the creation of man, God breathed into man’s nostrils, the breath of life (Genesis 2:7). We also read that within the ark of Noah was the breath of life (Genesis 7:15). So if the Bible is God’s breath and the breath of God is the breath of life, the Bible is the breath of life. This establishes the fact that the Bible is alive (life). Jesus affirms this when He said that the words He spoke are life (John 6:63) and rightfully so Peter asks him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have THE WORDS of eternal life” (John 6:68).
Only in the Lord Jesus Christ, the ark of eternal life, is the breath of life (His words of eternal life). The question really is “does the words of Christ Jesus abide in us?” for without it, there is no life. Let our prayer be that we abide in Christ (the source of life), and let His words (life-giving) abide in us! (John 15:7)
John 6:63,68 (KJV) 63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. 68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.
Hebrews 4:!2 (NKJV) 12For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
The Heist was shown on 4 January 2006 at 21:00, on Channel 4. In the show, Derren Brown used his skills on selected participants who answered an ad. “Under the guise of a motivational seminar” (where they would allegedly learn Derren Brown’s skills) Brown eventually got participants to rob a security van – in what was ultimately an elaborate set up. The robbery involved holding up a security van and guard (played by an actor) with a realistic-looking toy pistol that Brown had given them earlier, and taking a case filled with real money from him. Four people were selected to carry out the robbery from an initial field of thirteen, with three of them actually carrying out the “robbery”. The idea was that after the conditioning they received, they would voluntarily rob the van of their own accord. There was no mention of the ‘crime’ to the participants, and they were not (directly) instructed to do it. The three that did it did so as a result of the conditioning and their own choice, not instructions from any third party including Brown.
Brown associated colour, music and phrases to build the participants into a highly-motivated state, converging all of those psychological empowerment tools into a single set up. The seminar subliminally anchored freedom, childhood, opportunity and romance into various criminal acts. After having previously been convinced to steal sweets from a shop based in Codicote High Street in Hertfordshire (for real), they were shown the euphoria that could be gained from criminal acts.
This programme also contained a re-enactment of the Milgram experiment carried out by Stanley Milgram in the 1960s with the aim of selecting four of the most obedient of the group. 65% of the subjects in this experiment were willing to administer lethal electric shocks to another person on the instruction of an authoritative figure (unbeknown to the subjects, the electric shocks were not actually real); these were the same results as Milgram himself found.
Dupa relatarile celor de la wikipedia Starcraft2 a fost gandit sa fie “the ultimate competitive real-time strategy game”…cu alte cuvinte “inca un pas in fata pentru viata virtuala , pas in spate pentru cea reala”.Dar totusi , cine nu a jucat Starcraft1 sau expansion-ul lui Broodwar?Putini cei drept , majoritatea gamerilor old school , au pus mana cel putin odata pe starcraft in copilarie , si isi aduc aminte cum ca ar fi foarte distractiv de jucat.Dupa care cei de la blizz au lansat seria Warcraft , mai exact Warcarft3 si expansion-urile lui , si s-au cam dus oamenii pe warcraft , dupa care DoTa s.a.m.d
Dar timpul a sosit , dupa ani buni de speculatii si teasere , a inceput si beta testing-ul la Starcraft2 de ceva timp.Oamenii spun ca e awesome , video-urile arata la fel , se gaseste si o varianta cracked deja , cu Ai (artificial intelligence) functionabil , dar fara key nu ai cum sa joci online si sa te bucuri de competitie.Am jucat umpic varianta cracked , evident ca nu pot sa zic eu cat de awesome e , trebuie sa vedeti pentru voi.E defapt tot ce vroiau fanii jocului si adica , clasicul starcraft , cu o grafica “din zilele noastre” , care suporta rezolutii mari , ceea ce nu era pe cel vechi , decat cu hack.L-am jucat pe 1920×1200 rezolutie nativa , cu toate pe Ultra , se vede foarte HD pentru un RTS (real time strategy) , are tot felu de brizbriz-uri noi prin setari , iar despre gameplay nu am decat cuvinte de lauda…dar vorbim despre asta mai incolo.
Evident povestea din joc , se intampla undeva la 4 ani dupa Broodwar , de aceea si unitatile si cladirile noi.Campania single-player o sa fie defapt o trilogie , fiecare rasa va avea expansion-ul lui separat , mai ramane de vazut cand apare full cum va fii.Prima va fii pentru Terran : Wings Of Liberty , unde jucatorii vor prelua rolul lui Jim Raynor.Al doilea expansion pack va fi dedicat rasei Zerg si anume Heart Of The Swarm.Iar ultima , destul de evident , pentru Protoss : Legacy of the Void .Cei de la blizzard ne-au asigurat ca fiecare campaign , va avea cel putin 25-30 de misiuni si cu o atmosfera aparte.
Cele 3 rase :
Terran : Rasa umana fictionala a viitorului.Cea mai dezorganizata rasa din seria Starcraft , pe motiv ca , se opun celorlalte rase , dar se mai si lupta intre ei.Sunt adaptivi si foarte mobili , recunoscuti in univers pentru abilitatea de a consuma resursele planetelor foarte rapid.
Protoss : Sunt o rasa de umanoizi , renumita pentru forta lor fizica combinata cu abilitati psionice.Sunt considerati cea mai avansata rasa din punct de vedere tehnologic din joc.
Zerg : Reprezinta rasa fictionala de insecte (insectoide).Acestea , ca orice insecte din ziua de azi , sunt antagoniste.Ele lucreaza sub controlul reginei , care vrea sa atinga perfectiunea genetica prin combinatii cu alte rase “demne”.Spre deosebire de Terran si Protoss , ei nu folosesc deloc tehnologii , ci se folosesc de mutatii genetice pentru a egala tehnologia folosita de inamicii lor.
Cam Astea sunt rasele din seria Starcraft.
Acum gameplay-ul.O mare parte din joc , ii bazata pe gameplay , si nu-i nevoie sa fi “pro” sau alte chestii de genu , sa intelegi ca jocul e un fel de sah modern.Ce face gameplay-ul foarte diferit de alte RTS-uri , e balanta dintre aceste rase.Fiecare rasa e foarte diferita de cealalta , dar in acelasi timp si egala cu ea , balansate pe muchie de cutit sa zic asa.Fiecare unitate din joc are un rol specific , eficienta impotriva unor unitati, dar are si rivalul ei , restul depinde de jucator , si cum le foloseste el.Jocul are multiplayer cu matchmaking , si cateva moduri de joc , cum ar fi , 1vs1 ; 2vs2 ; 3vs3 ; 4vs4 si FFA (free for all) , precum si ladder-uri pentru cei cu experienta , si fara experienta.Matchmaking inseamna ca tu alegi modul de joc , rasa preferata sau lasi sa aleaga singur , iar jocul iti cauta pe internet jocul gata pregatit fara ca tu sa strangi jucatori de pe cine stie unde , sau sa organizezi tu altele.Fiecare joc cu matchmaking , va fi si balansat de Ai , adica va cauta joc , folosind anumite filtre impuse de tine dar tinand cont de rank-ul si skill-ul tau asigurand si acolo un soi de egalitate.
Per total o sa fie unul din cele mai bune jocuri lansate anul acesta , impreuna de Bad Company2 , Mafia2 , AvP , Starwars : Old Republic (MMORPG) , si multe altele care nu-mi trec prin minte la ora asta (6:10 AM). ) Mai jos aveti si niste cinematic-uri de la joc , culese de ici colo.Vizionare si ne vedem pe joc cand apare (^_^)
Time and space stretch out before you
And the universe implores you
To take your place
Amongst all things
And to see what the morning brings
To your own self be true
There’s nothing more to do
ennui ennui ennui ennui ennui ennui
One thing I hate about holidays is that I tend to revert back to a lethargic state where I lie in bed all day doing nothing but lie in bed all day doing nothing. And that’s what I have been doing. On top of creating depressing playlists for myself.
“…most of the issues and problems I was facing then are still present today, on top of the newer things that cropped up over the past year. And that’s kind of depressing, the idea that although so much has changed, so much still remains the same……but I think change is so gradual you hardly realise it until you look back and reflect. I think there are events though, that appear insignificant but actually change you significantly intrinsically.”
from minghui
I wish I can say something like “I still feel the same”, even though I don’t know if that’ll be a good or a bad thing. Because sometimes I take comfort in things that don’t ever change. And right now I’m wishing some things didn’t change.
I just dislike the fact of “growing up” and having to learn new lessons in life everyday.
And time really flies…
My thoughts are dribbling all over this post, I should stop now.
Something to look forward to at least, SYM with elaine later.
This afternoon, the girls had some sweet and delicious strawberries. The strawberries looked so pretty that I took some snapshots of them. I even used a photo for the logo image “Moment’s Thru Photos” (above).
Munching away!
Kylie holds her strawberries so gently. Check out her pinky!
Hillsong: 2 Favorites
I’ve been quite addicted to Hillsong lately. They are a well known and very popular Christian band from Australia. I heard of them some time ago and have listened to some of their songs but have never really gotten attached to any. I think a lot of it has to do with timing. I don’t think I was ever really into Christian music until almost recently…maybe within the last couple of years and a lot probably has to do with age. What makes a Christian song worthy of listening to for me is (in this order): music, voice, and lyrics. The following two have captured my ears and heart.
“We the Redeemed” - I adore the singer’s voice and how passionate she sings this song.
I’ve been over in Western Australia this week for the All Saints’ College Literature Festival, as well an event at the State Library of WA.
It was a fantastic week, but I caught the red-eye home last night and haven’t slept in 30+ hours, so I’m going to let this video I filmed in the airport do most of the talking:
Thanks to everyone who came out to see me this week – it was great meeting you all!
Last year we featured Blk Jks on our site and blog and caught up with them for 5 minutes after the release of the first album ‘After Robots’, which received international recognition.
Today described by the Rolling Stones Magazine as ‘Africa’s Best New Band’, Blk Jks had the chance to rock with CNN, as CNN put it!! Here is a snippet of what they shared with CNN….
Drummer Tshepang Ramoba told CNN, “It is important to know where you live, where you come from, your history, what’s happening in the world.”
Guitarist Mpumi Mcata told CNN, “In the beginning people were like, ‘oh, they are black, they play rock …’
“South Africa is still segregated, so you have a situation where they put us in front of a white audience and the white audience is confused, and you put us in front of a black audience and the black audience is confused. So it’s not an easy crossover.”
But Mcata said the band’s music is ultimately traditional, with their rock sound based around “ancient rhythms.”
Ramoba agreed that South African traditions are at the heart of the band’s music. “The last song on the album is called Tselane, a story we used to be told when we were young before we would go to bed,” he said.
“Those fables connect to how we’re living now,” added Mcata.
“In Soweto, if they don’t like you, they don’t like you. They’ll throw bottles,” said Ramoba.
“So in Soweto, the fact that they liked us is a huge thing. When we started playing everyone just stayed and danced. It was the best.”
Click here for the live interview!!
Blk Jks will be performing at the Cape Town International Jazz Festival, make sure to check them out if you are in Cape Town.
Continue checking our blog for updates on what going on with the Blk Jks
I’m still at work on Friday night, doing some audio editing and some cereal eating. This is The Life I Lead, and I quite enjoy it (although I feel like a huge cranky dork for not having some sort of exciting thing to do this evening).
A fun thing of note: my friend MC Frontalot was kind enough to invite me to do a skit on his new album, Zero Day. The album also features an amusing skit with one Mr. John Hodgman. It’s available for pre-order on Frontalot.com.
Also, have we made one another’s acquaintance on The Facebook of yet? What about The Twitter? I do so hope we can be Internerds together.
I’m writing and working on some new impressions for videos. Will I ever be able to conjure the true magic of Michele Bachmann, Drew Barrymore, or Anne Hathaway? Only time will tell, friends.
Upcoming shows are listed here. I hope to see you at the Women in Comedy Festival in Boston on March 27, where I’ll be sharing a bill with Bonnie McFarlane and Robin Gelfenbien. I’m psyched, because Bonnie’s notoriously excellent and the last time Robin and I performed together was in 2008 at the Octavia Lounge in San Francisco. Therefore, a reunion is due.
Today’s episode of Delicious Nippon takes a look at some of the vegetables used in Japanese cuisine.
Synopsis : An introduction to Japanese vegetables; the cultivation and harvesting of nagaimo yams (長芋); a visit to a nagaimo farm in Aomori Prefecture (青森県); various ways that nagaimo can be prepared and served (e.g. juice, fries, dumplings, suiton soup); the cultivation of daikon (大根).
Recipes : Simmered duck meatballs with nagaimo (starts at 14:40); nagaimo salad (starts at 19:30).
A couple of summers ago, YouTube and People.com hosted a competition in which one lucky winner got to go to the Grammy’s and be a correspondent on the red carpet. So I called up my loyal bud who always acquiesces to my ‘fun’ ideas to don her best ‘red carpet dress’ and play a singer celeb at the Grammy’s. Me? I was the host obviously who asked her uber fab questions. Unfortunately I think I got disqualified for using a real likeness (I idiotically said I was AT the Grammy’s even though I made up everything else). But the result was nonetheless a fun-filled afternoon and a hilarious video whose high cheesy level makes me almost cringe. Almost. It makes me LAUGH harder! OH – the memories!
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The man who spearheaded the record-breaking deal in which Michael Jackson’s estate will get up to $250 million in the next seven years said Tuesday that Sony Music Entertainment bought a treasure trove of new Jackson music, some of it recorded “quite recently,” some in collaboration with other artists.
John Branca, who negotiated the deal along with co-executor John McClain and team of attorneys, was clearly elated about the deal. He said in an interview with The Associated Press that this is only the first of more deals that will bring Jackson’s music to his fans and introduce it to a world of potential new fans.
“The remarkable thing is to make the biggest deal in history in a market with declining record sales. It’s a pretty big thing,” Branca said. “It’s a testament to Michael’s incredible talent and his music. It’s really an honor to be part of this.”[photogallerylink id=1524 align=right]
He added that “there’s more to come” but declined to elaborate. He also would not discuss the finances or specific details of the deal.
Branca is the lawyer who met the superstar singer when both were young men and is seen as the architect of Jackson’s financial empire. They worked together for 30 years.
He and John McClain, a lifelong Jackson friend and music producer, are co-administrators of the Jackson estate. The estate has benefited from their deal to release the movie, “This is It,” compiled from footage of rehearsals for a series of concerts that was in preparation when Jackson died last June at age 50.
Branca said he is convinced that Jackson would be delighted with the results of their negotiations.
“John McClain said it best,” Branca said. “He said that Michael probably wouldn’t have wanted ‘This is It’ released because he was such a perfectionist and it was rehearsal footage. But if he had seen that we could get $60 million for his mother and children and it became the biggest concert movie of all time, he would have said, ‘Thank you very much.’”
He said he has not heard all of the 60 plus songs discovered by McClain but he said what he has heard is “classic Michael Jackson.” Among the songs are two recordings that were never released that he made for charity with other stars. There are also songs he recorded for his famous albums that were never included in the final product.
“Michael had a tendency to over-record,” Branca said. “He would record 20, 30, 40 songs for one album. These are the vintage songs.”
The recent material was recorded within the last three years. The old and the new are likely to be combined on some of the albums to come, he said.
Among the songs in Jackson’s vault is a collaboration with Paul Anka on a song called, “Love Never Felt So Good,” which Branca described as “quite good.”
Beyond the recorded material, he said Jackson left more songs that he composed but that don’t have his voice on them. They would not have the same value, he said.
When he died, Jackson left recorded music including studio sessions from some of his most-popular albums and recently recorded songs made with the likes of Black Eyed Peas frontman will.i.am.
Branca noted that Jackson did not release a huge number of albums in his lifetime and his last one was nine years ago. He said the legacy of unreleased material is far more than what was left by Elvis Presley. He said Jackson’s fan base is also larger, stretching around the globe.
“He is one of the most recognized figures in the world, along with Muhammad Ali,” said Branca. He noted that two-thirds of record and movie ticket sales for “This is It” were outside the United States.
Under the deal officially announced Tuesday, Sony has guaranteed Jackson’s estate $200 million for 10 projects over the next seven years. If certain conditions are met, the payment could rise to $250 million.
Since Jackson’s death, McClain has combed through boxes of tapes and recordings Jackson left behind. McClain and Branca each stand to make 5 cents on every new dollar of revenue brought into the estate.
Even if only half of the 60 songs discovered by McClain are commercially viable, that would be enough for two or three albums. And some songs could also be packaged with already-heard material. That likely wouldn’t detract from a new album’s value. It might even add to it, because fans have been flocking to known commodities in music.
For example, 14 remastered albums from The Beatles catalog sold 13 million copies worldwide in the four months after they were released last September. Bob Seger’s “Greatest Hits,” an album that came out in 1994, was the best-selling catalog album of the last decade, with 9 million albums sold to date.
Jackson’s own two-disc set that accompanied the concert rehearsal footage in “This Is It” has sold 5 million copies, and it had only one new song. That was the title song, which Jackson wrote with Anka around the time the “Thriller” album was becoming a smash hit.
With the album selling for $10 to $14, the revenue generated from sales is already well beyond the tens of millions of dollars needed to cover the per-project guarantees Sony is promising.
“He always said his children would never have anything to worry about because he had volumes of songs to release,” said Raymone Bain, who began representing Jackson during his child molestation trial in 2005, in an interview Tuesday.
Bain, who is also suing the estate for fees, said Jackson told her he had “thousands of recordings” that he wanted to aim at a youthful audience, and spent nights during the trial writing new tunes as therapy.
“He wanted to prove to a new demographic group that he was still a major player in the industry,” she said. “That’s why he added Akon and Fergie and will.i.am to the 25th anniversary recording of `Thriller.’”
Releases from well-established artists have other advantages. An older fan base is more accustomed to buying whole albums than are younger fans familiar with free song-swapping online. A long sales history also makes it easier to evaluate what catalogs are worth.
“It’s unusual for a deal like that not to make money for a distributor,” said Lawrence Kenswil, an entertainment attorney at Loeb & Loeb in Los Angeles and former executive with Universal Music Group. “It’s a safer bet than betting on the future of unknown artists.”
Speculation on exactly what unreleased songs exist (and how good they are) has been rampant since the King of Pop’s death. Many who collaborated with Jackson in his later years have discussed their work with him, including will.i.am and Akon, who is a Senegalese R&B singer.
Whatever the unreleased material comprises, the Sony deal suggested that repurposing Jackson material across several formats – from DVDs to video games – will be of particular importance.
Associated Press Writers
AP Entertainment Writers Jake Coyle in New York and Anthony McCartney in Los Angeles contributed to this report.
SO it all started when… Pete Sampras decides to imitate Andre Agassi’s famous walk to lighten the mood and to get some attention also. Andre doesnt like it. From that point on he gets personal and airs the dirty laundry. Pete takes offense and tries to nail Andre with a serve.
On Monday, Agassi talked to ESPN.com’s Rick Reilly and offered an apology:
“It was out of line. It was inappropriate. The night was on fire. We were all having fun. I was trying to be comedic. I only had a split second to make a decision. I went for it and it fell flat. I was trying to get past it, but Pete didn’t really let me get past it. He didn’t really roll with it. I’ve texted Pete to ask him if I can apologize in person.
“The joke fell flat and I’m sorry. My hope was that the night was still enjoyable. My whole book is about living and learning, and I guess you never stop.”
Check out the single from [lastfm]Joey & Rory[/lastfm]! Wanna find out how you can win tickets from Joey & Rory to see the [lastfm]Zac Brown Band[/lastfm] PLUS an Eat ‘N Great with the guys on Sunday?
It’s a KMPS Studio 941 with the Carhartt wearing, overall sporting duo [lastfm]Joey and Rory[/lastfm]! Join us on Sunday from noon to 1 at Work ‘N More in Everett where they’ll perform their hit single “Cheater, Cheater” & we’ll be giving away tickets to see the Zac brown band, and Joey and Rory that NIGHT at the Comcast Arena! PLUS one lucky winner will get two Eat ‘N Greet passes with the [lastfm]Zac Brown Band[/lastfm] before the show! From your friends at Work ‘N More & 94.1 KMPS!
Adam Lambert taped an episode of UNPLUGGED at an undisclosed location in New York City a few days ago. If you missed it, VH1 has made the videos available online. Click to check out the unplugged videos of his current hit Whatta Ya Want From Me and the haunting Mad World.
I have been following a particular youtube channel from Ray William Johnson for some time as I am a fan of his jokes which might sound lame but is alright to me. I going to put his latest video and I will be linking his youtube page on this entry and his personal everyday blog as well. In fact I think I would add both of them to the side bar of my blog so that you can judge for yourself to see if he is a good vlogger. I will slowly upload links and websites that I visit and I feel that it is interesting.
This is his latest video which comes out every Wednesday and Sunday, New York Eastern States time.
Its not everyday you find people like him and other youtubers with so much consistency in their vlog entries and also the amount of effort spent on filming and editing the videos to result in a final product which spans from a minute to 10 minutes long. Like what he said on previous vlog entries, making 1 of those videos above took him 1 whole day with the editing and choosing of the comments and the video is a good length of 5 mins average. Oh yeah, he is a full time college student with a part time job as well time is pretty much limited for him. So kudos to these people once again!
Well will be back with more blogging in a few days time, for now got to do some study and store energy for work tomorrow.
Well since i don’t get to talk about Nascar this weekend because there on vacation this weekend and hearing about Carl Edwards is getting boring, its time for another installment of Redneck Shtuff… This time were talkin bout crusin the lake in style!!Now don’t hate me when ya see me cruisin Lake Norman or Lake Wylie on my awesome pontoon boat this year made by my good buddy Billy Joe. Yea i know it has an Alabama seat on it but thats only because my Game Cocks chair is on back order. Its powered by a half a horse trolling motor and boat battery. The only thing missing is a place for my cooler. Guess i’ll have to have Billy Joe make me a pontoon trailer for that!
I’m really not hatin, i mean anyway you can hit the lake all the power to ya but don’t try to pull a skier up with that thing! Believe me ya end up drifting farther backwards then front!
This is what i really want, a 525 horse power, pontoon from rednecked heaven! Theres a few boat manufacturers that make these high powered tri-toons and if you decide to order one, tell em BIG SEXY sent ya! Maybe they’ll send me a free one!! Check this thing out…
Bruce Springsteen Complete Video Anthology 1978-2000: Two-disc DVD set features all of Bruce Springsteens official music videos up until 2000 Includes alternate versions, live television appearances, concert versions, and never-before-shown videos Digitally mastered 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound PCM Stereo Interactive Menus Instant chapter access to songs Complete discography with audio clips 15 bonus videos and performances Running time: Approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes List Price: See Details $24.99 You Save: (80%) $20.00 Our Price: $4.99 Shipping: FREE SB Link Address
Please click on the following link to visit this daily featured deal.
I have teamed up with Varsity Mentoring to help High School Athletes develop a highlight video to present to Colleges and Universities that they are interested in. I hope to use this blog to answer any questions that parents, students or coaches may have.
First a quick overview of Varsity Mentoring. It is a one stop shop for perspective student athletes. With a large network of partners and mentors, Varsity Mentoring can help a student athlete pick what school or schools are right for them, give an online platform to send digital videos to college coaches and find camps and clinics to develop their skills.
My responsibility is to work with the student athlete to create a highlight video that showcases their skills. I hope to offer insight not only to those that I edit videos for but also help parents and coaches with the filming on games.
With all of that said, I am going to offer a few pointers on how to gather quality video.
1. It all starts with the camera, while not everyone can afford a professional camera, and not everyone can afford to hire someone to shoot video for them, video quality is for the consumer has become competitive with some professional cameras. Obviously the most popular thing is HD, however the cost is high, and not many college coaches have Blue-ray players in the office. Digital Video is the most common format with miniDV being the popular tape format, with VHS being the least popular.
2. When shooting video outdoors, try your best to keep the sun at your back. Indoors avoid, if possible, shooting towards windows.
3. Keep a steady shot. I know this sounds like common knowledge but you would be shocked at what you see. The best to prevent this is to use a tripod, but a tripod doesn’t always fit on the bleachers. Which leads to camera location. The ideal location would be the same places that the team’s record, high and at the middle of the court or field.
4. Keep the ball in the shot, again this sounds like common knowledge. It is hard to evaluate a player when a coach has no clue where the ball is coming from.
5. Keep zooming to a minimum, as tempting as it is to zoom into your player for a good tight ISO (which is fine a few times, it actually makes it easier to edit if done right) it breaks point #4 of not keeping the ball in the shot.
I will have more tips later, and hopefully can answer your questions. In the meantime keep an eye on my page on Varsity Mentoring.
Oh, sites for college students to entertain themselves: Collegehumor.com. What is it about this site? I myself have actually only been here a few times. It really operates best when someone finds somethign they like on there, and then they send it to other people they think will like it: for example, I used to be an RA, and they have one really funny RA video that was sent to a fellow RA that I then saw and enjoyed.
When trying to search on this site, I find it a little difficult to really find anything good. There is just a LOT on here, and it is a lot to go through, meeting a lot of different tastes. The home page scrolls obnoxiously, with so many things going on, and a lot of things are centered (although I think part of this is to accomodate different browsers).
Overall, if you’re bored, it might be worth poking around here. For a college student, at least.
Are you tired of the old school network marketing techniques? You know the 3 foot rule, hanging flyers, bugging your family and friends, and holding hotel meetings.
I know that when I first joined my first network marketing company, I was told to use these same techniques. I was told to make a list of 100 people that I knew and basically call every one of them to ask and see if they would be interested in making some extra money.
I was only faced with questions I wasn’t able to answer, getting hung up on, and faced with nothing but rejection.
When I was officially shunned by everyone that I knew, all my upline told me to do was to go out and buy some opportunity leads.
This only led me to some more rejection and spending a bunch of money.
Now I was out of money, and had nothing to show for it.
Then just as I was going to give up, I found what I consider to be the “life saver” for my business.
This life saver I speak of was Mike Dillard’s 7 Day Free Video Boot Camp.
In these 7 free videos Mike explained how I could attract an endless stream of prospects to me ready to join and actually get paid to prospect.
These videos have really changed the way I do my business, and I think they can help you too.
You can get free instant access to these free videos here…
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One of the biggest problems I’ve had is title cards in my videos. Usually I have the black screen and the text, which is not very professional. Thankfully I am not a professional. Nevertheless, I’m an elitist to a certain degree and want my stuff to look decent, so I figured I would update the title cards. One of the photos I’m using can be seen below. I used a Chroma Keyer to mute out the green in the video. Thank God for technology.
And here is the video showing the finished product. The game footage is from the first few seconds of Battlefield: Bad Company 2. It also shows the Games on the Cheap logo, even though Bad Company 2 is certainly not cheap.
Thought this was an interesting article about what to wear at work. OR i should say what people say is the right and wrong thing to do. so many experts i guess…..lol
Here are 15 things that are never a good idea:
1. Underwear as outerwear. Camisoles or visible bra straps and lingerie scream “eek!” not “chic!”
2. Workout gear. Save your muscle shirts and spandex for the gym.
3. Soiled, stained or rumpled clothing. Neatness counts. Better to wear less expensive clothing that is immaculately cleaned and pressed than to sport designer grunge.
4. Shorts. Whether of the Bermuda or Daisy Duke variety, wearing shorts to work is just plain wrong.
5. Tattoos. Celebrities like Angelina Jolie have made tattoos seem almost mainstream, but many people are still put off by them. Best to keep yours under wraps or disguised with a heavy spray-on makeup made expressly to conceal tattoos.
6. Extreme hair color. Natural looking highlights are fine, but never dye your hair blue, magenta or other colors not found in nature.
7. Too much cologne. A strong scent is a turnoff to most people. Best to forgo fragrance and opt for the clean smell of soap.
8. Long, fake or wild-colored nails. Keep your nails short and neat. Avoid nail decals, black polish or “Elvira” length nails.
9. Grungy beards. In general, most companies prefer clean-shaven men to, say, ZZ Top. If you just can’t part with your facial hair, at least keep it neatly trimmed. (And for gosh-sakes check in the mirror after eating that powder-sugared doughnut!)
10. Micro-miniskirts. Make sure there is no more than three or four inches between knee and hem. You want to be able to sit without giving a peep show.
11. Overly revealing attire. Too little is too much. Breasts, back and arms should be covered. Avoid overly snug fits by making sure there is at least one inch of room between body and fabric.
12. Athletic socks with street shoes. Men, the devil’s in the details. People notice these things!
13. Body piercings. Studies show that most people view body jewelry as unprofessional and that people with multiple piercings are less likely to be hired or promoted.
14. Bare midriff. Make sure there is at least one inch of room between body and fabric and that your shirt is long enough to conceal your midriff. Let your clothes show off your good taste — not your six-pack abs.
15. Low-rise pants. “Plumber’s crack” is not acceptable anywhere. Period. Finally, as a rule of thumb: If you have any doubt whether something you have on is appropriate — go back and change.
Kate Lorenz is the article and advice editor for CareerBuilder.com. She researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues.
Copyright 2007 CareerBuilder.com. All rights reserved. The information contained in this article may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without prior written authority. Story Filed Friday, February 26, 2010 – 3:35 PM
It’s no secret that [lastfm]lil’ Wayne[/lastfm] is popular among the ladies.
The rapper recently fathered two children from two women, actress Lauren London, and R&B singer [lastfm]Nivea[/lastfm].
But the New Orleans-bread artists’ actions sparked even more speculation Tuesday, the day he was scheduled to begin a year-long jail sentence, when he appeared in Nivea’s music video for “Love Hurts.”
Evil Chili isn’t really evil, and it defnitely isn’t chili. You can attempt to eat it, but I don’t recommend it. It is a fairly interesting site, though. It has videos and clips that are interesting and funny. Some videos are a little shocking, too. I don’t really like the layout of the page. The first thing that pops up, that you’re not expecting, is a subscription box. The site is also designed poorly. There’s not description of what the site is, and it’s not laid out in any good categories. It looks like they just threw pictures and videos up and left it that way. I tried opening this site earlier on my mothers computer. I don’t know if something is different with the site on her browser, but it really freaked out and froze her computer three times. It worked perfectly fine on mine. So, I’m not sure what was up with that. I think the site is interesting, but I don’t think I would highly recommend it to anyone. It’s kind of like a shocking version of youtube.
And most of it comes from the cherry chapstick lips of a 12-year old girl.
Based on the popular comic by Mark Millar (creator of Wanted), the film is getting some serious buzz. Lots of comparisons to Tarantino for its stylized off-the-wall violence and eccentric dialogue. The synopsis reads as such:
A twisted, funny, high-octane adventure, director Matthew Vaughn brings ‘Kick-Ass’ to the big screen.
‘Kick-Ass’ tells the story of average teenager Dave Lizewski (Aaron Johnson), a comic-book fanboy who decides to take his obsession as inspiration to become a real-life superhero. As any good superhero would, he chooses a new name — Kick-Ass — assembles a suit and mask to wear, and gets to work fighting crime. There’s only one problem standing in his way: Kick-Ass has absolutely no superpowers.
His life is forever changed as he inspires a subculture of copy cats, meets up with a pair of crazed vigilantes — including an 11-year-old sword-wielding dynamo, Hit Girl (Chloe Moretz) and her father, Big Daddy (Nicolas Cage) — and forges a friendship with another fledgling superhero, Red Mist (Christopher Mintz-Plasse). But thanks to the scheming of a local mob boss Frank D’Amico (Mark Strong), that new alliance will be put to the test.
Watch a preview of this naughty-worded gorefest below:
more about “VOTD: Kick-Ass Red Band Trailer Is Re…“, posted with vodpod
Hoy en TN y Minutouno y no se bien cuando en Marca.com, pasaron este video como el autogol mas tonto de la historia.
En realidad lo tonto es no conocer el Reglamento de la Fifa, que en sus reglas 13 y 16 dice que un tiro libre directo o indirecto o un saque de meta, si es introducido directamente en el arco del equipo ejecutante, no será considerado gol en contra y se deberá conceder un tiro de esquina.
The Sweet Potatoe Couples, a.k.a. Seobaby and Jung Yong Hwa on WGM, episode have been subbed!! Thanks to one of our commenters, striderMG, for telling us about the channel that have subbed it. Even though I haven’t watched it yet, I’ll post it up so everyone can watch it themselves =] Hopefully, the cute but awkward couple will capture your heart !
It’s been an interesting week where I really haven’t had anything musically inspire me, but then DavidCookOfficial.com posted a new tune by the Cookster called “You and I” that he performed at the Morongo Casino in California over the weekend. While it’s not a studio version, the song definitely shows promise, even though his vocals sound a bit rough in a couple of spots. Sign of things to come? You decide…
David recently sat down with Entertainment Weekly and said that he expects his new album to come out mid-2010. Click through to check out the full interview, including him name-checking Max Martin and Ryan Tedder for wishlist collaborators.
A Philly classic of sorts. Lots of Star Trak cameos in the video, from a peasy-headed Pharrell, to “Funeral” era Clipse. This is back when Pusha still went by “Terrar” and had just got the fresh braids. Chad and Pharrell were always good about putting their artists on and in everything they could. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since this shit came out, they used to play it on Urban X-Pressions all the time…..
Cory just moved to a new apartment yesterday. Now he lives right in the middle of the big city of Osu Kannon, Nagoya. Everything is just accross the street; gym, shopping mall, food bazaar, etc.
I am SO jealous!
Here’s a video of Cory giving a tour to his new apartment. This video was taken a week ago when he went there to take same measurement :
Let’s face it: there is always going to be a disparity between human ethics and morals on the subject of capital punishment.
However, while capital punishment still exists I see this idea being a very worthwhile pursuit. Hopefully you watched the video and didn’t jump to conclusions based on the title. Of the many comments on this video, time and time again I saw the counter argument:
“So, if your father is in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets convicted of a capitol crime you’re okay with his organs being harvested and sold.”
But if those who state this had actually watched the video without their own predispostion then they would have seen that they are arguing the case for allowing inmates the ability to donate their organs. It’s not a blanket proposition, but one of choice. If they WANT to donate their organs, why not?
Preliminary thoughts on capital punishment: What would I think about capital punishment if it were my own family and friends?
Personally, I’m not sure what I think about capital punishment as I have not given it much thought. Once I’ve done my research, I’ll update the idea with an entry of it’s own.
I love Requiem for a Dream. I hate Requiem for a Dream. But the Lux Aeterna theme is amazing, whatever you think of the film.
While you can’t really do justice to the piece on a single instrument (especially given the mood you lose going from strings to piano), this guy gives it a good shot. This is from the youtube user Raftaman92. The piano’s bass reverberates in a funny way, but it seems like that helps it to recapture some of the lost intensity of the original. And if you aren’t familiar, the original is rather intense. I love it. It drags you in and commands your attention until several moments after the piece has ended. Give it a listen.
“Here is part 1 of a brief interview that we had with Drizzy, who performed at the Sprite Step Off Show in Atlanta this weekend. We spoke to him on his upcoming debut, Thank Me Later and what we can expect. The significance of the video is when he references a certain legend in Hip Hop that he studied for the album. And if you’re wondering, that’s Ludacris who he is shaking hands with.”
Gluten Free bagels that are naturally dairy-free and can easily be made egg-free!
This is one of those things that most people probably don’t think they will ever have to make in their lives, and why would you? Bagels are are very easy to obtain. Well, unless you are gluten-free or suffer from food allergies.
Joan’s Great Bakes makes a really good gluten-free bagel, but they are expensive because of shipping costs (if you live in the mountain time zone like I do, shipping is about $45). A local Albuquerque store used to carry them but they were $14.99 for a 5-pack of bagels. That can be a hard price to swallow, regardless of your financial situation. We would buy them as a special treat but they were never a staple simply because of the price.
A few weeks ago, Sam’s Friday Fun Snack at school was making “Bear Bagels.” The kiddos were using 2 bagels of different sizes, a large bagel and a mini bagel, to assemble a bear face. I got the recipe with only a 3 day notice, so I did not have time to order any more bagels from Joan’s Great Bakes without paying an overnight shipping charge, and even I have to draw the line somewhere! So, I had 2 whole days to figure out how to make homemade GF bagels and GF “Nilla” wafers!
Here is the recipe for Bear Bagels (in case you are interested):
I lucked out and happened to have one Joan’s Great Bakes bagel left in my freezer (from who knows when), but I was desperate, so I used it anyway! I don’t know if you have ever had one, but they are not all that big. They fall somewhere between a gluten-containing “mini” bagel and a gluten-containing “regular” bagel (but no where near the size of a gluten-containing “large” bagel). Which is totally fine by me, because I am very big on “true” portion sizes in our house. It only poses a problem when making said “Bear Bagels!” I thought about using a cookie cutter to cut out a smaller sized bagel from one of the halves, but that was clearly not going to work. I tried making a batch of bagels from a recipe I found online, but they tasted horrible and looked even worse, so they promptly went into the trash. I did learn one thing from that experiment though, how to shape a bagel the easy way (I’ll show you that in a minute)!
After my first batch of homemade bagels were a bust, I realized I had to admit defeat and figure something else out to replace the mini bagel, I just didn’t have enough time. You have no idea how difficult giving up was for me (even if it was only temporary). Right or wrong, I still feel very guilty for having passed on the celiac gene to my son. Because of this, I am admittedly OCD about making Sam’s “public” GF foods look the same as his friends, although I have never actually hit the mark for one reason or another!
Anyway, I had made some Better Batter biscuits for dinner that evening and had a few left over, so I went with a mini biscuit “bagel” instead for Sam to use as the bear nose. Needing to make the biscuit smaller than the Joan’s Great Bakes Bagel, meant I also had to cut down the GF “Nilla” Wafers I had made. Here is the bear we ultimately ended up with:
It worked, but had much room for improvement!
I have since been researching different homemade bagel recipes to try and I made a second attempt yesterday using this recipe from the Baking Bites website (with gluten-free substitutions of course). Baking Bites is a great website, and once one feels comfortable making gluten-free substitutions, an entire world of possibilities opens up! Check out Nicole’s recipe for homemade Girl Scout Samoas (always and forever Caramel Delites in my book ). I cannot wait to experiment with that recipe!
Homemade Gluten-Free Bagels
(Nicole Weston’s original recipe is in black, my additions/changes are in red).
1 Tbs. Active Dried Yeast (I used Red Star Yeast which is gluten-free)
1 Tbs. Sugar
1 3/4 cup Warm Water (110° – 115° F. is the optimal temperature to activate the yeast, according to the Red Star website. Although, I have also read that 100° – 110° F. is the optimal range, so I guess anywhere from 100° – 115° F. is the area to shoot for. If the water is too hot, you will kill the yeast. I like to use a thermometer to make sure the water is “in the proper zone”).
4 cups Bread Flour (for this recipe I just used Better Batter Gluten Free Flour. I am trying to figure out a good gluten-free substitute for bread flour to see if that changes the outcome of the final product, I will keep you posted).
1 Tbs. Salt
1 Egg for Egg Wash (not sure if this is necessary, but I have always added 1 Tbs. of water to each egg in my egg wash. If you cannot have egg, this step can just be omitted.)
First, you want to “proof” your yeast. I ALWAYS proof my yeast (to make sure the yeast is “active”) in my gluten-free baked goods, because not only do I want to save time and frustration from a potential flop, but gluten-free ingredients are too expensive to risk throwing it all away because of something as inexpensive as yeast! So:
In a bowl, add the yeast, sugar and warm water (100° – 115° F). Stir to incorporate the ingredients, then set the yeast aside to do it’s work, about 10 minutes. (Click here for more information on the different types of yeast and the best way to use them for optimal results. If you are interested, see below for a video I found on YouTube on “How to proof yeast”).
Meanwhile, in a large bowl (I used the bowl of my stand mixer) add the flour and salt.
Once the yeast has “proofed,” add it to the flour/salt mixture.
Mix dough thoroughly until it comes together in a large ball, pulling away from the sides of the bowl. Add an additional tablespoon of flour or water, if needed. If kneading by hand, turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until very smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes. If using a stand mixer, knead dough with the dough hook until elastic, about 8 minutes on a low speed (this is what I did). Place dough in a lightly greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise for 1 hour, or until doubled in size. (Make sure you put the dough in a warm place. click here for some rising tips from baking911.com, I reference this website all the time, because I have zero formal training in baking! I highly recommend bookmarking it for future use).
Bring a large pot of water to a gentle boil (I used a roasting pan over two burners), and preheat the oven to 400° F.
When dough has risen, turn the dough out onto a very lightly floured surface and divide into 12 equal pieces (first quarters, then thirds). Shape each piece into a tight ball as illustrated below (click here to see Nicole’s illustrations), pinching the corners together at the bottom of the piece of dough (I didn’t really do this step as written, I just rolled out a ball). When all the balls are shaped, let the dough rest for 30 minutes covered with a clean dish towel.
Once dough balls have rested, the bagel shape can be formed. Using your fingers, poke a hole through the center of each dough ball (I cheated and used my apple corer to make the hole). Stretch out the dough into a ring with your fingers and be sure to make the hole a little larger than you want the finished bagel to have, as it will shrink slightly while the bagel is expanding during the baking process. Let bagels rest for about 10 minutes.
Working four at a time (I put all of mine in at the same time since I was using a pan with a large surface area), drop the bagels carefully into the boiling water. Boil for 2 minutes on the first side, then flip and boil for an additional minute (I used chop sticks for this). Using a slotted spoon or strainer, transfer bagels to a clean towel to drain for a moment, then place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Repeat process with remaining bagels.
Brush boiled bagels with lightly beaten egg (I added 1 tbs. of water to my beaten egg) (a pastry or bbq brush is a good tool for this) and bake for 20-24 minutes, until golden brown.
Cool completely on a wire rack.
YouTube video on “proofing” yeast:
The temperature of my water was 113° F. :
My “proofed” yeast:
I mixed all the ingredients using my dough hook attachment, on low for 8 minutes.
This is what the dough looked like after rising for 1 hour. It does not look exactly like a risen gluten-dough.
Instead of using the method in the Baking Bites recipe, I just rolled the dough pieces around on the counter (to make it smooth).
Final bagel dough ball.
Using my apple corer to make the hole in the bagel.
My apple corer has a plunger on it which made extracting the dough uber simple.
I then stretched the hole out a little bit.
Tip: Keep your bagels covered with a damp cloth while you are shaping your bagels, so the dough is less likely to dry out and crack.
Pre-boiled bagels of various sizes (this is what is so cool about making your own bagels).
Some of my bagels were lumpy and bumpy, so using warm water, I tried to smooth them out before adding them to the boiling water.
Boiling water in a roasting pan over 2 stove top burners.
Boiling the bagels.
I used chop sticks to flip the bagels.
Even after smoothing them out, some of the bagels looked like this. I wonder what causes this?
One bagel that stayed relatively smooth.
Remove the bagels and let drain on a towel for a minute.
Brush with egg wash.
Fresh from the oven, GF bagels: Crunchy on the outside with a chewy inside, just like “real” bagels! Without cream cheese, there is a slight “sourdough” taste to these.
This is one of the bagels the day after I made them.
I stored them unsliced, in an airtight container. They did need to be softened up a bit, so before slicing, I nuked them in the microwave for 20 seconds and it was as if they were fresh!
We even made some Gluten-Free “Bagel Bites,” yummy!
Mike and I tried to cost these out, using the Better Batter Gluten-Free Flour. After shipping, a 25-lb. bag of Better Batter is $86.00. There is roughly 3 cups in 1-lb. of Better Better, so a 25-lb bag is roughly 75 cups of flour. That comes to roughly $1.15/cup. This recipe uses 4 cups of flour, so that’s about $4.60. The other ingredients are too inexpensive to worry about, but for argument’s sake, let’s round it up to $5.00.
$5.00 for 10 homemade GF bagels versus roughly $30.00 for 10 store-bought GF bagels.