Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Bible is alive

When our beloved son, Reuben was about two years old, one of the first portions of the scripture that he had committed to memory besides the Lord’s prayer and the Fruit of the Spirit was the Armor of God from Ephesians 6. But we taught him and he learned to end it always by saying … and the sword of the Spirit, is the word of God, “The Bible”. Little did I realize then that the addition of the words, ‘the Bible’ not only affirms that the Bible is the sword of the Spirit, but that it is the ‘Only’ word of God.

The Bible tells us that All scripture (The Bible) is God breathed (2 Timothy 3:16) and we see in the creation of man, God breathed into man’s nostrils, the breath of life (Genesis 2:7). We also read that within the ark  of Noah was the breath of life (Genesis 7:15). So if the Bible is God’s breath and the breath of God is the breath of life, the Bible is the breath of life. This establishes the fact that the Bible is alive (life). Jesus affirms this when He said that the words He spoke are life (John 6:63) and rightfully so Peter asks him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have THE WORDS of eternal life” (John 6:68).

Only in the Lord Jesus Christ, the ark of eternal life, is the breath of life (His words of eternal life). The question really is “does the words of Christ Jesus abide in us?” for without it, there is no life. Let our prayer be that we abide in Christ (the source of life), and let His words (life-giving) abide in us! (John 15:7)

John 6:63,68 (KJV)

63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

Hebrews 4:!2 (NKJV)

12For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

[Via http://thepauls.wordpress.com]

Derren Brown - The Heist

The Heist was shown on 4 January 2006 at 21:00, on Channel 4. In the show, Derren Brown used his skills on selected participants who answered an ad. “Under the guise of a motivational seminar” (where they would allegedly learn Derren Brown’s skills) Brown eventually got participants to rob a security van – in what was ultimately an elaborate set up. The robbery involved holding up a security van and guard (played by an actor) with a realistic-looking toy pistol that Brown had given them earlier, and taking a case filled with real money from him. Four people were selected to carry out the robbery from an initial field of thirteen, with three of them actually carrying out the “robbery”. The idea was that after the conditioning they received, they would voluntarily rob the van of their own accord. There was no mention of the ‘crime’ to the participants, and they were not (directly) instructed to do it. The three that did it did so as a result of the conditioning and their own choice, not instructions from any third party including Brown.

Brown associated colour, music and phrases to build the participants into a highly-motivated state, converging all of those psychological empowerment tools into a single set up. The seminar subliminally anchored freedom, childhood, opportunity and romance into various criminal acts. After having previously been convinced to steal sweets from a shop based in Codicote High Street in Hertfordshire (for real), they were shown the euphoria that could be gained from criminal acts.

This programme also contained a re-enactment of the Milgram experiment carried out by Stanley Milgram in the 1960s with the aim of selecting four of the most obedient of the group. 65% of the subjects in this experiment were willing to administer lethal electric shocks to another person on the instruction of an authoritative figure (unbeknown to the subjects, the electric shocks were not actually real); these were the same results as Milgram himself found.

Source: Wikipedia

[Via http://6greenapples.wordpress.com]

Starcraft 2 Trilogy

Dupa relatarile celor de la wikipedia Starcraft2 a fost gandit sa fie “the ultimate competitive real-time strategy game”…cu alte cuvinte “inca un pas in fata pentru viata virtuala , pas in spate pentru cea reala”.Dar totusi , cine nu a jucat Starcraft1 sau expansion-ul lui Broodwar?Putini cei drept , majoritatea gamerilor old school , au pus mana cel putin odata pe starcraft in copilarie , si isi aduc aminte cum ca ar fi foarte distractiv de jucat.Dupa care cei de la blizz au lansat seria Warcraft , mai exact Warcarft3 si expansion-urile lui , si s-au cam dus oamenii pe warcraft , dupa care DoTa s.a.m.d

Dar timpul a sosit , dupa ani buni de speculatii si teasere , a inceput si beta testing-ul la Starcraft2 de ceva timp.Oamenii spun ca e awesome , video-urile arata la fel , se gaseste si o varianta cracked deja , cu Ai (artificial intelligence) functionabil , dar fara key nu ai cum sa joci online si sa te bucuri de competitie.Am jucat umpic varianta cracked , evident ca nu pot sa zic eu cat de awesome e , trebuie sa vedeti pentru voi.E defapt tot ce vroiau fanii jocului si adica , clasicul starcraft , cu o grafica “din zilele noastre” , care suporta rezolutii mari , ceea ce nu era pe cel vechi , decat cu hack.L-am jucat pe 1920×1200 rezolutie nativa , cu toate pe Ultra , se vede foarte HD pentru un RTS (real time strategy) , are tot felu de brizbriz-uri noi prin setari , iar despre gameplay nu am decat cuvinte de lauda…dar vorbim despre asta mai incolo.

Evident povestea din joc , se intampla undeva la 4 ani dupa Broodwar , de aceea si unitatile si cladirile noi.Campania single-player o sa fie defapt o trilogie , fiecare rasa va avea expansion-ul lui separat , mai ramane de vazut cand apare full cum va fii.Prima va fii pentru Terran : Wings Of Liberty , unde jucatorii vor prelua rolul lui Jim Raynor.Al doilea expansion pack va fi dedicat rasei Zerg si anume Heart Of The Swarm.Iar ultima , destul de evident , pentru Protoss : Legacy of the Void .Cei de la blizzard ne-au asigurat ca fiecare campaign , va avea cel putin 25-30 de misiuni si cu o atmosfera aparte.

Cele 3 rase :

Terran : Rasa umana fictionala a viitorului.Cea mai dezorganizata rasa din seria Starcraft , pe motiv ca , se opun celorlalte rase , dar se mai si lupta intre ei.Sunt adaptivi si foarte mobili , recunoscuti in univers pentru abilitatea de a consuma resursele planetelor foarte rapid.

Protoss : Sunt o rasa de umanoizi , renumita pentru forta lor fizica combinata cu abilitati psionice.Sunt considerati cea mai avansata rasa din punct de vedere tehnologic din joc.

Zerg : Reprezinta rasa fictionala de insecte (insectoide).Acestea , ca orice insecte  din ziua de azi , sunt antagoniste.Ele lucreaza sub controlul reginei , care vrea sa atinga perfectiunea genetica prin combinatii cu alte rase “demne”.Spre deosebire de Terran si Protoss , ei nu folosesc deloc tehnologii , ci se folosesc de mutatii genetice pentru a egala tehnologia folosita de inamicii lor.

Cam Astea sunt rasele din seria Starcraft.

Acum gameplay-ul.O mare parte din joc , ii bazata pe gameplay , si nu-i nevoie sa fi “pro” sau alte chestii de genu , sa intelegi ca jocul e un fel de sah modern.Ce face gameplay-ul foarte diferit de alte RTS-uri , e balanta dintre aceste rase.Fiecare rasa e foarte diferita de cealalta , dar in acelasi timp si egala cu ea , balansate pe muchie de cutit sa zic asa.Fiecare unitate din joc are un rol specific , eficienta impotriva unor unitati, dar are si rivalul ei , restul depinde de jucator , si cum le foloseste el.Jocul are multiplayer cu matchmaking , si cateva moduri de joc , cum ar fi , 1vs1 ; 2vs2 ; 3vs3 ; 4vs4 si FFA (free for all) , precum si ladder-uri pentru cei cu experienta , si fara experienta.Matchmaking inseamna ca tu alegi modul de joc , rasa preferata sau lasi sa aleaga singur , iar jocul iti cauta pe internet jocul gata pregatit fara ca tu sa strangi jucatori de pe cine stie unde , sau sa organizezi tu altele.Fiecare joc cu matchmaking , va fi si balansat de Ai , adica va cauta joc , folosind anumite filtre impuse de tine dar tinand cont de rank-ul si skill-ul tau asigurand si acolo un soi de egalitate.

Per total o sa fie unul din cele mai bune jocuri lansate anul acesta , impreuna de Bad Company2 , Mafia2 , AvP , Starwars : Old Republic (MMORPG) , si multe altele care nu-mi trec prin minte la ora asta (6:10 AM). :) ) Mai jos aveti si niste cinematic-uri de la joc , culese de ici colo.Vizionare si ne vedem pe joc cand apare (^_^)

Cinematic Trailers :

Campaign Mode Videos :

[Via http://shuunu.wordpress.com]

Sunday, March 21, 2010

To your own self be true

Time and space stretch out before you

And the universe implores you

To take your place

Amongst all things

And to see what the morning brings

To your own self be true

There’s nothing more to do


ennui ennui ennui ennui ennui ennui


One thing I hate about holidays is that I tend to revert back to a lethargic state where I lie in bed all day doing nothing but lie in bed all day doing nothing. And that’s what I have been doing. On top of creating depressing playlists for myself.


“…most of the issues and problems I was facing then are still present today, on top of the newer things that cropped up over the past year. And that’s kind of depressing, the idea that although so much has changed, so much still remains the same……but I think change is so gradual you hardly realise it until you look back and reflect. I think there are events though, that appear insignificant but actually change you significantly intrinsically.”

from minghui

I wish I can say something like “I still feel the same”, even though I don’t know if that’ll be a good or a bad thing. Because sometimes I take comfort in things that don’t ever change. And right now I’m wishing some things didn’t change. 

I just dislike the fact of “growing up” and having to learn new lessons in life everyday.

And time really flies…


My thoughts are dribbling all over this post, I should stop now.

Something to look forward to at least, SYM with elaine later.

[Via http://knockmeinthehead.wordpress.com]

Eating Strawberries and 2 Favorites from Hillsong

This afternoon, the girls had some sweet and delicious strawberries.  The strawberries looked so pretty that I took some snapshots of them.  I even used a photo for the logo image “Moment’s Thru Photos” (above).


Munching away!

Kylie holds her strawberries so gently.  Check out her pinky!

Hillsong: 2 Favorites

I’ve been quite addicted to Hillsong lately.  They are a well known and very popular Christian band from Australia.  I heard of them some time ago and have listened to some of their songs but have never really gotten attached to any.  I think a lot of it has to do with timing.  I don’t think I was ever really into Christian music until almost recently…maybe within the last couple of years and a lot probably has to do with age.  What makes a Christian song worthy of listening to for me is (in this order): music, voice, and lyrics.  The following two have captured my ears and heart.

“We the Redeemed” -  I adore the singer’s voice and how passionate she sings this song.

“Mighty to Save”

[Via http://moonangelblog.com]


I’ve been over in Western Australia this week for the All Saints’ College Literature Festival, as well an event at the State Library of WA.

It was a fantastic week, but I caught the red-eye home last night and haven’t slept in 30+ hours, so I’m going to let this video I filmed in the airport do most of the talking:

Thanks to everyone who came out to see me this week – it was great meeting you all!

And now I’m off to bed.

[Via http://chrismorphew.com]

Saturday, March 20, 2010

CNN Inside Africa interviews BLK JKS

Last year we featured Blk Jks on our site and blog and caught up with them for 5 minutes after the release of the first album ‘After Robots’, which  received international recognition.

Today described by the Rolling Stones Magazine as ‘Africa’s Best New Band’, Blk Jks had the chance to rock with CNN, as CNN put it!! Here is a snippet of what they shared with CNN….

Drummer Tshepang Ramoba told CNN, “It is important to know where you live, where you come from, your history, what’s happening in the world.”

Guitarist Mpumi Mcata told CNN, “In the beginning people were like, ‘oh, they are black, they play rock …’

“South Africa is still segregated, so you have a situation where they put us in front of a white audience and the white audience is confused, and you put us in front of a black audience and the black audience is confused. So it’s not an easy crossover.”

But Mcata said the band’s music is ultimately traditional, with their rock sound based around “ancient rhythms.”

Ramoba agreed that South African traditions are at the heart of the band’s music. “The last song on the album is called Tselane, a story we used to be told when we were young before we would go to bed,” he said.

“Those fables connect to how we’re living now,” added Mcata.

“In Soweto, if they don’t like you, they don’t like you. They’ll throw bottles,” said Ramoba.

“So in Soweto, the fact that they liked us is a huge thing. When we started playing everyone just stayed and danced. It was the best.”

Click here for the live interview!!

Blk Jks will be performing at the Cape Town International Jazz Festival, make sure to check them out if you are in Cape Town.

Continue checking our blog for updates on what going on with the Blk Jks

[Via http://elanbotswana.wordpress.com]